2 answers
Donna’s Answer
Donna recommends the following next steps:
Asim A.’s Answer
Hi Eric,
Thats a question I have been interested in though quite late in my life. Most of us think of big names like Marvel and DC for comics but there are others such Dark Horse, Image, IDW and Valiant. But from what I see you don't need to move geographically to a location to start a career. Today a lot of it is being digitally present.
From my searching online and talking to some folks in comic bookstores, I have been mostly recommended to start as a freelance and tap into the local culture and market to see where you stand creatively and acceptance wise. Its hard to generalize what you may come across in part of the country but I think the universal theme of starting small and on your own does not change much.
I also found some links below that may help:
Asim A. recommends the following next steps: