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Is being a restaurant owner and an interior designer possible to do at the same time

Does anyone think it is possible to be a **Restaurant Owner** and **Interior Designer** at the same time? I want to do this but my navy life and my girlfriends mother thinks it is impossible. I need insight on this topic #design #interior #restaurant

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Jared’s Answer, Team

Best of the Village

Can you? Yes. Is it advisable? Probably not.

Being a restaurant owner, interior designer, and working in the navy seems nearly impossible, provided that you want to do any of them well. You would be pulled in too many directions to be very effective at any of them. That said, you might be able to do two, but with great effort. Managing a restaurant is an extremely difficult and time consuming activity, with large numbers of staff to juggle, opening and closing hours that are quite long, and fickle customers. Owning a restaurant may mean you are managing it, but it might also mean that you're the primary investor in a business that someone else is managing. The time obligations will be very different.

I want to address a possible underlying issue. You can do anything you want, but the challenge is to do something really well. If you love interior design, you could spend the better part of a career working to achieve mastery of that field. The same goes for work in the restaurant industry. Your family might be worrying that if you spread your attention too thin, you won't be able to achieve the mastery that is required for you to be very successful in your fields of choice.

There's good news too: if you decide not to work on two new fields at once, you could always build them up. If you think interior design is a strength, then build up an interior design business over a couple of years. Once it gets stable, and you're able to spend less time tending to the business, then open up your restaurant. It's not a foolproof way to achieve your dreams, but it's much more manageable. Most importantly, you'll have time to get really good and what you do. Good luck!

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Jonathan’s Answer

I want to reiterate what Jared shared concerning the restaurant industry. It is rare for an individual to be successful in the restaurant industry & ....anything else. It takes a lot of time, passion, and commitment to run a truly cost effective restaurant. Restaurant owners own a restaurant because they were already sucesful with another endeavor and merely invested - or because they run the restaurant as manager or chef.

My advice: don't get into the restaurant industry unless you have a passion for food. Follow your passion for interior design and work within the restaurant industry as a designer. One day, after some success, use those talents to support another who wishes to run a restaurant.

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Joe’s Answer

You certainly can do both. But you would first need to ask yourself why. It is possible to be a restaurant consultant who specializes in design and decor. Most large design firms have internships available. Owning a restaurant is a time consuming career path with that generally requires a large amount of money to get started and most fail within the first 4 years. Consulting and design on the other hand offer the chance to grow your professional network while determining exactly what type of restaurant you may want to open.

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Michaela’s Answer

Yes, it is possible to be both a restaurant owner and an interior designer at the same time, although it would require careful planning, time management, and dedication. Here are some factors to consider:

1. **Time Management**: Balancing the responsibilities of running a restaurant with the demands of interior design projects can be challenging. It's important to prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and manage your time effectively to ensure that both aspects of your business receive the attention they need.

2. **Delegation**: Consider delegating certain tasks or responsibilities to trusted employees, contractors, or collaborators to lighten your workload and allow you to focus on areas where your expertise is most needed. Hiring staff or outsourcing certain aspects of your interior design projects can help you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

3. **Synergy**: There can be synergy between your roles as a restaurant owner and an interior designer. By designing the interior of your restaurant yourself, you can ensure that it reflects your vision, brand identity, and values, while also creating a unique and memorable dining experience for your customers.

4. **Flexibility**: Being both a restaurant owner and an interior designer allows you to have flexibility and creative control over both aspects of your business. You can experiment with different design concepts, menu offerings, and customer experiences to continuously improve and evolve your restaurant.

5. **Passion and Commitment**: Success in both the restaurant industry and the field of interior design requires passion, creativity, and commitment. If you are passionate about both areas and willing to put in the effort and dedication required to succeed, then it is certainly possible to pursue both interests simultaneously.

Ultimately, whether or not it is possible to be both a restaurant owner and an interior designer depends on your individual circumstances, goals, and priorities. With careful planning, effective time management, and a strong work ethic, you can successfully juggle both roles and create a thriving business that reflects your unique vision and talents.
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Linda’s Answer

Well you could design your own restaurant! I would tell you can do whatever you put your mind to but you need to do one thing really well that is difficult because your energy will be distracted from the pull of the other and both endeavors will suffer. You will have 2 business 's that will be good but not great. We need to be great, the brass ring and all. I am not a naysayer and would stand behind your belief if you really went for it and pulled off both career choices, however my job here is to be practical and advise you accordingly. It would be difficult both the restaurant and design business are careers which requires your head to stay in the game,and both very time consuming not 9 to 5 and to unpredictable for a routine to be established so hard to commit if one or the other needed your full attention. I would do research into both careers find the one that pulls you to it the most and extabalish yourself with it and then if the desire is still burning for the other go for it. Good luck I am pulling for you!