Career questions tagged design

Creative design is essential in many careers. Some of the most popular ones include graphic design, interior, video games, and user experience. Please read below for more information. Read more Show less
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NghiMar 211523 views

Where can I find good character sheets to analyze?

I want to analyze some character designs but don't know where to start/ find.

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Active Mar 26
location iconSan Francisco
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sophieMar 20449 views

I want to become a tattoo artist but i don't know where i start?

i love to draw on myself

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Active Mar 21
location iconFishersville
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DeniseMar 19706 views

How do I understand perspective?

I like to draw, but perspective is something I can never get. Where exactly should I start, and where will it make an improvement?

answer icon7 answers
Active Mar 23
location iconSan Francisco
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DeniseMar 19454 views

What editing softwares are easiest to use and free to access, and will they have the same effect on my videos like premiere pro?

In a class of mine, I have to edit videos from shots I take myself for assignments. However, the software is quite advanced and not beginner friendly (exactly). Are there any beginner friendly softwares?

answer icon5 answers
Active Mar 24
location iconSan Francisco
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AvaMar 121747 views

Getting a double major in Psych (BA) and Fashion design, any advice?

I'm thinking of getting a double major in Psychology (BA) and Fashion design. I am currently 17 years old, a Junior in high school, and have a GPA of 4.1 weighted/3.76 unweighted. Do you have any advice? Any programs or community college classes you would suggest? Colleges with good programs I should apply to?

answer icon5 answers
Active Mar 18
location iconSacramento
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JustinMar 093415 views

Life Guidance: What do I do Where do I go? (Sports/Creative/Business).?

I am a freshman in college going down the route of graduating with some sort of Business degree. I have found myself to be a creative person from a young age, which I’m not sure a business major fits. I loved drawing, designing, and coming up with ideas. I still do, it is just that TENNIS has become an addiction for the past few years. However, I no longer have a tennis team to participate in which drives me nuts. With this information, I know I would love to be a part of the sports industry. I find the roles of management, marketing, designing, fashion, and coaching to be interesting careers. I also wouldn’t mind being a part of entertainment (concerts, film sets, etc.). I'm just unsure of where to go after understanding these things about myself.

answer icon10 answers
Active Mar 25
location iconHonolulu
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AmirMar 06668 views

Where to start learning motion design?

I am in my first year of a school that focuses on design but until we start to learn actual designing is 3 years from now. I have taken an interest in design for a long time now even though I am not sure if its what I really want to do, but just being interested wont get me anywhere. I really need to start learning now because i need a talent and perhaps a good future. Thanks to my school, i already own every Adobe programm out there so the platform will be no problem i suppose. Yet, I don't know where or how to start. Can someone experienced give me some advice? Every answer is appreciated, thank you.

answer icon7 answers
Active Mar 08
location iconLinz
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MaggieMar 06946 views

What What freelance illustration and/or fine art jobs are available to me as an almost college graduate and illustrator? ?

What freelance illustration and/or fine art jobs are available to me as an almost college graduate and illustrator?

answer icon7 answers
Active Mar 20
location iconBoston
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DhiviyaMar 04426 views

Design related work ?

Fashion related work

answer icon1 answers
Active Mar 06
location iconUdumalaipettai
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AydenMar 031230 views

What should I major in if I wanna work as a disney imagineer?

Im currently a sophmore in highschool and I know I wanna do something working within the disney imagineering world. But I don't know what I should major in, I know I don't wanna do the manual labour part, but I do know I wanna come up with ideas for the different parks. I do know that when im deciding on different colleges im also looking to see if they offer the Disney college program.

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Active Mar 05
location iconHaughton
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EmalynFeb 272523 views

What do I need to do to become a successful digital artist?

I am currently in a position where I can not go to college, because of an undiagnosed learning disability. I also have some physical disabilities that limit my mobility, and keep me bedridden most of the day. I on the other hand am very confident in my ability to develop my artistic skills. I am teaching myself blender, from modeling to animation. I have done some graphic design projects, and I am good at digital art in general. I need to learn how to market my skills when I don't have a piece of paper that says I am good at something, nor official job experience.

answer icon9 answers
Active Mar 06
location iconPhoenix
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raymondFeb 101713 views

What are some legit websites or apps that actually pay for answering surveys?

Looking for ones that truly pay and aren’t just a waste of time. Asking for my cousin—you can reach him at pclement733. Any recommendations?

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Active Feb 13
location iconBoise
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BlairFeb 101201 views

Rate my skills and give me some tips for architecture and design!!?

My tik tok is called (hayat_.design_) check out if you'd like and tell me what you think...THANK YOU!!! FYI I also do other types of design like fashion design and others :)) also still a beginner

answer icon3 answers
Active Feb 26
location iconKansas City
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AmohFeb 08561 views

How am I going to start the video game ,Please I need assistant to do better. ?

I need help

answer icon2 answers
Active Feb 09
location iconUnited States
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AutumnFeb 06952 views

How do I start computer design?

How do I start computer design?

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Active Feb 11
location iconEphrata
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OlubunmiFeb 03971 views

What should I do I have passion for art, I am also good at sketching styles that, appart from drawing, painting and all. Now, I was thinking of studying business administration in university, is it possible? Can the two be merged, or should I just go for fine art and leave business administration # coding, business administrator and an artist #professionls with experience?

What should I do? I have passion for art, I am also good at sketching styles that, appart from drawing, painting and all. Now, I was thinking of studying business administration in university, is it possible? Can the two be merged, or should I just go for fine art and leave business administration # coding, business administrator and an artist #professionls with experience

answer icon8 answers
Active Mar 10
location iconOndo
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JanetFeb 01857 views

Which area of interior designer do you find the most challenging?

What is the hardest part of being a interior designer

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Active Mar 20
location iconGarden City
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JanetFeb 01835 views

What do you think is the best educationalpreparationfor a career on interior design?

What do you think is the best educational preparation.

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Active Feb 02
location iconGarden City
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AmirJan 311193 views

Is a degree in graphic design neccessary to actually become a graphic designer?

I'm currently in my 9th school year in a branche that focuses on design and digitalization but like, I doubt that I'll actually be able to graduate hs because im quite bad in maths and blah blah blah. Graduation isnt exactly needed in austria for a good job but I still prefer to do something I'll actually enjoy doing. I appreciate every answer and I'm thankful that this site exists.

answer icon12 answers
Active Mar 20
location iconLinz
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JanetJan 311119 views

What did you do to become a UX designer ?

I wanted to know what path UX designers took to become a UX desginer

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Active Feb 06
location iconGarden City
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JanetJan 31463 views

What do you enjoy most about interior design?

I wanted to know what different things people enjoy while working as an interior desgin

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Active Feb 10
location iconGarden City
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MakoaJan 301243 views

How much do fashion designers get paid?


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Active Mar 19
location iconUnited States
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JanetJan 30479 views

How do people find out about openings in interior desgin ?

Im a student doing a project over careers we are interested in and if possible for anyone to let me ask them this question and 4 more for an interview thank you!

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Active Feb 01
location iconGarden City
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NathanJan 28777 views

What is the options to start a career in art field?

I like drawing and painting, I do it on my spare time.

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Active Jan 30
location iconHenderson
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CharlesJan 28752 views

How do I start my own 3D animations using Sound Filmmaker.

I want to make Splatoon animations using SFM, but I don't know how to. Since I know nothing about mechanics or Blender.

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Active Feb 17
location iconUnited States
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KiraJan 24929 views

How do I start my modeling career I’ve always wanted to be one but never knew where to start.?

I’m graduated from high school, really into music, traveling, living in the moment, take pictures for memories, ready to start asap.

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Active Jan 31
location iconLocust Grove
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MaryamJan 24986 views

graphic design to interior design

I am currently pursuing an AS degree in graphic and interactive design. But I am interesting to shift to interior design field. Since I my college is not in the same town I'm living I have to do the classes online (however I am willing to transfer to a university to be able to attend in person classes). my question is that am I in the right path? is there any shortcuts? and if I finish my AS degree would that be enough?

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Active Jan 31
location iconMiami
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KeganJan 24884 views

What can I do to get into the graphic designing field when I've not finished my studies and can't afford to continue at this point in time?

I've got a diploma and certificates in some Adobe Creative suite apps, and I'm currently working at the mine

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Active Jan 30
location iconThabazimbi
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KennediJan 17482 views

How much growth in terms of revenue, client base, and brand recognition can an interior designer or interior decorator expect to achieve over a 5-year period, and what factors most significantly influence this growth?

I am interested in learning about the growth of interior design and interior decorating because I find it fascinating how these fields have evolved over time, responding to changing trends, technology, and societal needs.

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Active Feb 01
location iconBowie
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GabrielJan 16851 views

In UX Design what analytics tools and key performance indicators have you used to evaluate your designs?

What tools are the most helpful in creating experiences that will intuitively work for a specific target audience

answer icon4 answers
Active Jan 31
location iconDistrict Heights