What is the highest paid job when you study culinary arts?
5 answers
Mellissa’s Answer
It depends on what aspect of the industry you decide to pursue.
Mellissa recommends the following next steps:
Mellissa’s Answer
Depends on concentration and skill set.
Mellissa recommends the following next steps:
Mellissa’s Answer
It depends on what aspect of the field you go into. What concentration you pick, catering, management, chef, country clubs, etc
Jonathan Agnew’s Answer
The Great Thing About Culinary Arts Is That It's An Actual Art That's Influenced By Artists. Therefore The Rate Of Pay Is Determined By The Significance Of The Artistic Presentation. 1 Shrimp pasta may cost $15 from one artist yet cost $50 from a different artist.
Mellissa’s Answer
Depends on concentration and how detailed you want to be in your skill set.
Mellissa recommends the following next steps: