Career questions tagged culinary-arts

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laura782 views

Is culinary overly stressful?

is culinary a good career path

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James694 views

I am currently working in Information Technology and have a strong interest in pursuing a career in culinary arts. Could you provide guidance on how I can effectively bridge the gap between these two fields?

I love cooking and baking. I'm always cooking for my family and friends and baking too. I want to succeed with culinary arts; however, I want to incorporate IT with it.

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Jesse284 views

What are the opportunities for growth and advancement as a sous chef?

#chef #culinary #culinary-arts

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kylee243 views

how much training/ education is required for a pastry chef

As a senior in high school

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kaylie399 views

What are the opportunities for growth and advancement for a pastry chef?

What are the opportunities for growth and advancement for a pastry chef? I want to go in to this work but I'm nervous I wont be able to grow. wont be able to advance and move up and will get stuck and bored

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Elizabeth545 views

What are the pros and cons of taking hospitality?

I'm new to the industry (haven't started my training at my trade school, yet) but I'm curious to see if anyone knows by experience.

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Brian330 views

what is the easiest trade between culinary and security

I'm trying to decide between security and culinary

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jennifer373 views

what does your daily life look like as a bakery owner how stressful is the job? why did you decide to pick being a baker??

what does your daily life look like as a bakery owner? how stressful is the job? why did you decide to pick being a baker?

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Thomas458 views

What new recipes and ingredients will I learn in culinary arts?

I never graduated in high school but I'm trying to work on that, but my favorite classes in high school were math, and science so I hope I'm able to apply that to certain measurements in culinary arts

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sawaminee522 views

What is difficult about being a chef ?

How do I prepare ?

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Ronn396 views

How can I excel at culinary arts?

I am working for my culinary arts degree and I was wondering what necessary steps I need to take to take to excel in this field.

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Ronn451 views

What steps can I take to become a great chef in culinary arts?

I am learning to become a chef while in training for Culinary Arts. What steps can I take to earn this degree?

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Verin254 views

Whats the culinary field like?

I love culinary arts, is there anyone here that's been a chef/is one or a baker that could tell me what's it's like?

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brylend676 views

what are some permits or licenses I will need to get in culinary as a cook or a head chef?

im curious since im going into that field

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salvador261 views

what is the best way to help my skills and knowledge grow in the culinary industry?

what should I do and what should I avoid.

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brylend476 views

What equipment do i need to learn in the kitchen as a culinary student?

future is in culinary

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salvador503 views

what do I need to help me succeed in the culinary industry?

what skills should I focus on?

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salvador245 views

how will having a college education affect me in the culinary industry ?

what would be the best way to jump into the culinary industry

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brylend266 views

Do you often experience a lot of stress while working with customers or your boss/chef? in Culinary

just curious about it because i wanna go into the culinary field

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Aviyana349 views

what is the typical schedule as a batch maker, a pastry chef?

I was wondering what is the typical schedule as a batch maker, a pastry chef.

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Olivia533 views

What are the challenges and benefits in a culinary based job?

I want to go into a culinary program, but I want to know what kind of work environment I will be going into!

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Nevaeh345 views

It doesn't seem like a career in baking has a lot of opportunities for growth in a company. Is this true?

By growth, I mean that unless you're the best of the best, there may not be room for you to grow in a company and make more money. In this instance, you would be stuck making donuts in a store bakery (ex. Safeway, Walmart) without much else to go up to in the company.

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Reilly716 views

What requirements do i need to get accepted into culinary school? How well do i need to do in high school to meet those requirements?

i'm a junior in high school who doesn't do too well in my classes. my first two years of high school i failed almost all my classes and am now just barely passing my classes. I want to know what requirements i have to meet in these last two years here and what else i could do to raise the possibility of getting accepted into a culinary school.

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starr837 views

does it feel like your working when your cooking at home ?

I was looking into being a line cook.

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cheyenne800 views

what can i do to make culinary easier?

What can i do to improve my baking skills?

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