what is the speed of light through in air?
i don't know the answer of the question. please tell me answer #science #teacher #science-phd #earth-science #career-guidance #scholar
3 answers
Nami’s Answer
The speed of light in vacuum is 3x10^8 m/s.
This changes based on various mediums like air, water etc. In air, it changes on the basis of particulate matter, humidity and density
A good resource is - https://www.rpi.edu/dept/phys/Dept2/APPhys1/optics/optics/node4.html
All the best!
Vernon’s Answer
In a vacuum, the speed of light is about 300,000 kilometers per second. Depending on the relative humidity, temperature and particle density of the air, it will be somewhat slower.
Wael’s Answer
It is very slightly less than the speed of light in vacuum. The link below is all about it and it is a very nice read.