7 answers
Rachel’s Answer
Bettye’s Answer
The hardest part of my job is to leave the concerns of my clients at work and not take them home with me. It’s difficult to disengage from challenging situations at the end of the day.
Kiran’s Answer
Hello Lailee,
Good day and hope you doing well
The hardest parts of the job for me has always been getting out of the comfort zone and stepping into exploring something new. The real reason being the fear of making mistakes. The way to overcome is only by accepting the fact that you get better only when you make mistake and learn from those. So do not fear of making mistakes , take risk which are calculative and you will see nothing is hard to do.
All the best in your job and career
Kiran Narayanan
Bettye’s Answer
The hardest part of my job is remaining neutral and allowing the student to self direct in their search for answers using me as the guide. Another difficult aspect is limiting our counseling sessions to fifty minutes. Often times, it takes that long for the student to relax enough to share honestly.
Bettye recommends the following next steps:
Roujean’s Answer
The hardest part about my job is the fast-paced environment. I currently work for a startup company, so this may not be the case for more-established companies.
With startup companies, there's a level of endurance, mentally and physically, you have to maintain (I learned about this the hard way). Beyond the technical skills and years of experience required to succeed in an environment like this, what you do outside of work has a considerable impact on one's success as well.
So, my advice to anyone seeking to work at a fast-paced company one day (or any company, rather): Get your 8 hours of sleep, have an exercise routine, drink lots of water, eat healthy, and make it a priority to be with your loved ones. As basic as it sounds, I've learned that these elements really help.
Katya’s Answer
As a Leader- it’s extremely important to be alert, to always coach, to provide feedback to individuals and teams around all aspects of the retail in order to be successful.
Making sure that everyone supports the team goal, making sure that everyone is included in conversations and discussions and able to feel free to share their concerns.
This is the most difficult and yet the most rewarding part of leading teams because everyone is different and to keep everyone united and to coach to help them grow in their career and to genuinely care-takes time, takes management change routine, takes listening and hearing to your associates.
Being patient, always recognizing for the work they do-letting them see that you have their best interest-does take time for the team to buy into you and to build trust.
It’s like a new relationship -you constantly need to work on it.but it does take two sides to make it work.
Kevin’s Answer
I think the hardest part of most people's job is the people. The people you work with can make or break your job. In fact, that's what most people gossip about at work...is their co-workers. So my advice, don't contribute to it. Every person, whether in life, or in a job, has a certain style, or way of working - find out what works best in your relationship with them, and make it work. The world is run through relationships...so getting along with the people in your job, will make your life (and job) more rewarding!