6 answers
6 answers
Adrian’s Answer
Hi Amy,
Honestly getting burned is part of learning process. It can happen very often or not at all. Most burns happen because you become overwhelmed. If you get the time and reps to learn you will grow your confidence and Should really limit the amounts of burn you receive. Cutting yourself will happen more often then burns. Cutting yourself is also a mental issue. But with enough practice it’s low rate of occurrence.
Honestly getting burned is part of learning process. It can happen very often or not at all. Most burns happen because you become overwhelmed. If you get the time and reps to learn you will grow your confidence and Should really limit the amounts of burn you receive. Cutting yourself will happen more often then burns. Cutting yourself is also a mental issue. But with enough practice it’s low rate of occurrence.
foodwinetour’s Answer
Hi Amy!!
I never burn out in my job!! I love it! it's hard, sometimes, as many other jobs... but I enjoy!
Sometimes I burn my fingers, but never is important damage!
enjoy your job! is beautiful...
I never burn out in my job!! I love it! it's hard, sometimes, as many other jobs... but I enjoy!
Sometimes I burn my fingers, but never is important damage!
enjoy your job! is beautiful...
Leme’s Answer
Oh, so many times. A lot of times it's an honest mistake because you've underestimated how hot something is. I've gotten burns from the oven, hot plates, hot pans, cleaning up around someone's hot mess or even mines from time to time, hot water, and the list goes on. The 2 times that I've learned as the first and last time I'll do it regarding getting burned is, never underestimate how hot steam is and never touch hot things with a wet towel. Both steam and a damp towel (even if it's cold) can hold heat well, so more than often times people get burned. Other than that, over time, my fingers have become less sensitive to heat as I've used it a lot to touch hot things. So I can pick up certain things at a higher temperature compared to someone who doesn't cook a lot. This skill, not necessarily a good skill to develop, is developed over time. All my professors and chefs I know whose been in the work field develop this skill. Of course, use tools if possible, but sometimes you forget because you're feeling the pressure.
Danielle B.’s Answer
Sad say but too many. However it's always a better idea to practice safe OSHA policy. Meaning always practice safety first use all equipment with proper causion. Remember safety first.