If you want to be a veterinarian tech, do yuo have to take the TEAS V?
I'm looking into this career and want to know if I need to take this. #veterinarian #animal-health #veterinary-technician #animal-work #animal
1 answer

Shawn Lloyd
Shawn’s Answer
Each state regulates their veterinary technicians differently. Some are registered, some licensed and some certified. Most states use the Veterinary Technician National Exam, and regardless of which title is bestowed after passing the exam, you can have the score you received in one state transferred to another if the two states use the same exam. In most cases, after paying the state's fee, you are then considered certified, licensed or registered in that state. Some states require a practical exam in addition to the written national exam. You would then have to fulfill that requirement before becoming fully credentialed in that state.
Regulations for setting exams are found on the American Association of Veterinary State Boards web site. To find out what your state requires, go to the AAVSB website: http://www.aavsb.org/