Career questions tagged animal-work

What are good colleges for marine biology and animal behavior?
I’ve always loved animals and I am interested to know which colleges are best for animal lovers- marine biology, zoology, animal behavior, animal science, etc.

how long did it take to achieve your goal of being a veterinarian ?
how long???

did you have support during your journey?
on your journey of being a vet, was any one there to support?

Does any job available after studying environmental studies provide the chance of working with animals/doing field work in general AND pays well? what are some other good jobs available?
As someone who loves animals and hopes to work with them, I am considering pursuing environmental studies. I am aware that environmental science/engineering tend to be more reliable when it comes to jobs, but environmental studies interests me the most, so does working outside and actually doing field work instead of a standard desk job. Are there such opportunities, realistically, for environmental studies students that also have reasonable pay?

What should I be prepared for when I work in the zoology field
#zoology #i love animals #wildlife-biology #animal-work #it's a must

what are the pros and cons of having a career in animal sciences?
I'm just wondering if animal sciences is a good field to get into when I go to college and pursue a career in after college and to see what I would enjoy (and dislike) about working in the animal sciences field. #animal-science #veterinary #zoology #animal-behavior #animals #animal-work #animal-health #animal-welfare

How long after graduating from college did it take to find a job in the veterinary medicine field, and did u have to do anything life changing to accept this position?
my future plans includes attending college and obtaining a veterinarian license, but after all this time working toward my goal I would like to know how long I will be searching for my dream job, and if anyone has had anything life changing such as moving away or something that uprooted your plans. #veterinary #veterinary-medicine #animals #animal-health #animal-work #animal-welfare

Do I need to get a PhD to do field research in the field of Environmental Biology or Animal Cognition?
I'm going into Ecology & Environmental Biology, and I'm wondering how much schooling I will have to do to do the work I want to, which right now resembles that of Jane Goodall. #biology #environmental #wildlife-biology #ecology #animal-work

The most exciting part of research to me is going out in the field and working with animals and in the environment, but I'm concerned that in my career I'll get stuck analyzing data and not doing field work. Any advice?
I'm going into Ecology & Environmental Biology and I love working with animals on the field and studying animal cognition in the wild or at a sanctuary. However, it seems to me that professionals in biology often spend their time analyzing data in the lab or writing grants, which I would fine with doing some of, but I really want my focal point to be working with my actual subjects. I want to know if this is possible or if I'm being too idealistic. #biology #research #higher-education #ecology #researcher #animal-work #ecologist #field-work

How do I find better opportunities to work with animals?
My name is Lisa, I always wanted to work with animals in some form maybe not as a veterinarian, but taking care of animals in danger or to help house pets find homes. I only know about shelters but not exactly where or what I need to be able to continue on the path to stay involve with them. Im very passionate about all types of life and hopefully to find a career that would truly make me happy :) #veterinarian #animals #animal-health #animal-work

If you want to be a veterinarian tech, do yuo have to take the TEAS V?
I'm looking into this career and want to know if I need to take this. #veterinarian #animal-health #veterinary-technician #animal-work #animal

How long does it take to become a veterinarian technician?
I love animals and I want to be able to work with them. #animal-health #veterinary-technician #animal-work #animal

how much does a vet make a year?
I would love to be a vet! I love animals but, I want to know it this is a good paying job. #veterinary-medicine #animal-work

What college classes are tailored to/recommended for a career in zoology or wildlife biology
Throughout my academic life I have always taken an interest in the sciences and the study of the natural world. For my junior year in high school I have enrolled in advanced placement environmental science, but the animal world has always captured my attention and I am curious what curriculum I should pursue. #biology #zoology #earth-science #animal-work