How important is it to know Spanish with a degree in social worker?
I'm wondering if I should just take language classes in college or actually immerse myself and try to become fluent. #work #social
5 answers
Wael’s Answer
I checked online and Oregon has very small Hispanic population. If you are planning to stay in Oregon, I don't see the extreme need to become fluent in Spanish; however, there is if you are planning to move to Texas for example.
Simeon’s Answer
Renee’s Answer
Knowing Spanish gives you an advantage and will set you apart from someone who is applying for the same role who is not fluent in Spanish. It is a good skill to have and be able to put on a resume.
Shelby’s Answer
Hi, being fluent in Spanish is helpful in the United States due to our large and growing population of Hispanic-American's. For any industry in the US, knowing Spanish is helpful.