Is it better to choose a career better for your family to survive better for later in future not in present or a career that can afford your family's present and future barely?
I am in a situation similar to this. #doctor #career #science #medicine #health
3 answers
Mary’s Answer
Carleen Chandler-Goodwine
Carleen’s Answer
This is definitely a great question however it does not have the perfect answer. When starting your work career it is rare for a person to start working their dream job with a top salary. You must invest sweat equity which includes time and experience. As for me I know my passions and what I enjoy doing. With my work career I have gravitated towards companies that offer a wide range of job opportunities which includes what speaks to my passions. I have taken entry level positions to get my foot in the door but my goal is never to stay stagnate in that role. I prefer to grow with a company and expand my skill sets along the way. For me this practice has not only increased my value to a company but my salary has increased along the way. Always keep your end game in mind and let that guide your decision.
N’s Answer
Wow! That 's a tough situation to be in and tough to answer as well. Twinkel, i would say it is totally a personal decision that you need to analyse carefully and step at it. All i can tell you is if i was in your situation and the CHOICE exists, i would choose a career where my heart is , for SURE . Smart,Hard Working, Talented individuals can pave their way for better even if it takes a bit of time.