What are some things you could do with a Master's in Botany?
Having loved plant life all of my life, I thought that I might be able to make myself a career out of it. So I was wondering what exactly could I do with a master's in Botany? What types of careers are available? What would the daily life include? Would I need to stay in this nation, or would I have to study organisms internationaly? I have been able to plan out what to do up to the point of getting a Master's degree, but I am lost on what I could do with it. #college #career #science #biology #job-search #career-paths #career-plan #botany
2 answers
Maria I.’s Answer
Sustainability of species and organic growth,especially in light of a changing climate. Writing for a magazine while running your own horticulture business.

Deborah Frangquist
Deborah’s Answer
One of the best ways to answer any question about what you can do with a particular degree is to get information from the professional or trade organizations related to that degree. In your case, start with the Botanical Society of America (assuming you are in North America): http://www.botany.org/
Specifically, on the website there is a Careers page http://cms.botany.org/home/careers-jobs/careers-in-botany.html which includes several links for students (scroll down to the bottom of the page) and information about joining the Botanical Society as a student member. Student memberships are usually reasonably priced, and membership gives you a big head start in terms of meeting (at least on line) a range of botanists who can advise, mentor, and encourage you along the way. Add in the advice of faculty at your own college or university, and you will be able to learn a lot about possible careers, develop some special expertise even as an undergraduate, learn about various Masters programs, and maybe even have a summer job or two which will contribute to your career knowledge and choices.