What are some good careers you can go into with getting a business management degree?
I am asking this question because business management is the degree i plan on pursuing and i would like to know more about what kind of jobs one qualifies for when they have a business management degree. #business #management
3 answers

Jen Taylor

Jen’s Answer
I am a telecommunications engineer and I have a bachelors in mgt of business. Most companies will require you to have a 4 year degree to apply but often do not specify what your degree should be. Showing you have an education and are trainable means a lot. I would encourage you apply for all jobs you have an interest in. Have cover letters and resumes highlighting the skills for each job you are applying.
Good luck.
Doug’s Answer
Cecile’s Answer
Take a look at Glassdoor or Linkedin. Search for job looking for business degree or people who had the degree and see what their first jobs are.
I would imagine it is very broad from marketing to finance, or even business analytics.