What are some good careers you can go into with getting a business management degree?
I am asking this question because business management is the degree i plan on pursuing and i would like to know more about what kind of jobs one qualifies for when they have a business management degree. #business #management
3 answers
Cecile’s Answer
Take a look at Glassdoor or Linkedin. Search for job looking for business degree or people who had the degree and see what their first jobs are.
I would imagine it is very broad from marketing to finance, or even business analytics.
Doug’s Answer

Jen Taylor

Jen’s Answer
I am a telecommunications engineer and I have a bachelors in mgt of business. Most companies will require you to have a 4 year degree to apply but often do not specify what your degree should be. Showing you have an education and are trainable means a lot. I would encourage you apply for all jobs you have an interest in. Have cover letters and resumes highlighting the skills for each job you are applying.
Good luck.