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How do I best prepare myself to not only be an effective, professional, and successful worker but leader?

I'm currently unsure of what exactly I want to do in the future, but I have a heart for at-risk, underrepresented, vulnerable populations, preferably somewhere out of the country. This, however, is a rather broad umbrella topic and I hope to find that career for me through various opportunities and leadership roles. And I don't mean I want to be successfully financially, although that would be nice; success to means when you are happy with who you are, what you do, and bring happiness to people around you. I haven't quite figured out what I want to do but I'm hopeful! And in the meantime, I want to know how I can better foster my leadership style, how to maintain professionalism and how to be an effective leader and team player! #volunteering #volunteer #service #leader #veterans #homeless #outdoor #undecided

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12 answers

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Kevin P’s Answer

Risa, I’m impressed by the head you have on your shoulders. Thank you for wanting to give back in such a long lasting and impactful way. That’s some impressive maturity.

What I recommend you do is a conduct a leadership assessment. Very easy to find online and you normally just answer a handful of questions! For the sake of not being biased towards any one test, I don’t want to recommend a specific one.

However having read your question, it sounds like you are a “servant leader”. So when you take this test, I would not be surprised if the test came back saying you were a servant leader.

You’re in good company, I am a servant leader as well. I like being next to my team and working along side them. Working to empower my team and staff letting them know I work to work for them.

My efforts are intended to give them the tools necessary to make the decisions they need to in order to move the organization forward.

This style needs to be natural. If you try to fake this they will see through it. When it comes to professionalism being genuine and owning it are paramount. So make it authentic.
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PwC’s Answer

Set and lean into your professional goals and think about not only what you want to get out of your role but the impact you want to have on your team, your company/firm, and your clients.
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PwC’s Answer

Become involved in extra-curricular activities, sports, leadership positions in your community/clubs, etc. This will help you grow as a leader in your community!
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PwC’s Answer

Putting in a great deal of energy to help others. This, in turn, helps you reflect on what you know while also helping others around you grow.
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PwC’s Answer

Don’t be afraid to take chances and be confident in your abilities
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PwC’s Answer

Taking care of your people - being good at your job is table stakes. Showing empathy and leading by example are hallmarks of a leader.
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PwC’s Answer

Listen to others and stand up for people even when they aren't in the room.
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PwC’s Answer

An important aspect of being a good leader is being open to taking feedback and improving. Great leaders take feedback from their teams and always strive to improve themselves and be open to what others have to say. Feedback isn’t criticism, it is advice on how to grow!
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Mike’s Answer

This is a great question and just asking it shows you're on the right path. As in many different roles in life, whether it's a favorite teacher, coach or boss, the best way to lead is by example. Your work ethic and attention to detail will be noticed...don't just do it to be noticed...make it your routine. Go the extra mile - show up early, stay late, volunteer for some of the less desirable tasks. Those things are noticed by leaders and teammates and respected. The other thing that I've always respected about my leaders and what I try to practice now is being available, being honest (even if it isn't easy) and having your teammates' backs. Sometimes the best answer is "I don't know", but you will always get back to your team with an answer. This is my best advice - good luck!
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John’s Answer

You have chosen a noble path but noble and easy do not often go hand in hand. If you want to learn how to do something well learn to work, listen, repeat and build off of what you have learned. Get a mentor to review what you have done, to help check you work and your moral compass and help guide you. Learn how to grow in all aspects of your life and do it while respecting people who may not respect themselves.

The best leaders I have had were also teachers and mentors. They were willing to allow me to ask question but allowed me to make mistakes because they knew I would learn more from them then if they gave me the answers. After time I needed new mentors and new responsibilities to grow into. Seek out the tough assignments, the worst jobs and learn how to solve problems. And make friends. Your peers can help you and you will need help as all leaders do.

Good luck! You will need that too!
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Ken’s Answer

Hi Risa!

You asked a very important question. Here is some helpful information:

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Lisa’s Answer

This is a great question! These skills are important to develop for all professionals, but especially as a woman. Work on learning to be assertive, clear and concise. Practice good listening skills. Think of different ways you would approach and solve a problem. When there is a person that you think is a great leader, carefully observe how that person acts and responds in different situations. Ask yourself why you think this person is a good leader. When the person does something you admire, really think about what actions that person took or how that person responded and try to use that same approach when you get in a similar situation.

Lisa recommends the following next steps:

Volunteer with an organization that will give you leadership opportunities. Ask to be in charge of a project or program. Ask for guidance when needed and feedback throughout. Act upon reasonable advise you are given.