How to construct a schedule while working for a full-time job and self-advancement at the same time
Hi Everyone:)) Good to tell you that I got offer as a temporary clerk so that I can afford myself a lunch now :) However, as the contract will be ended after 3months.Right now I am quite anxious to find the next stage to move on, I am planning to work on my Korean and other self-advancement such as yoga, guitar practise, reading, prepare a podcast and writing etc, however, I found myself very disorganised when everything need to consist for greeting a good result.Is anyone there is really busy but still perform the day well?
Thanks a lot! #career #schedule
8 answers
Armin’s Answer
Then set up a visual calendar with your goals/targets and the steps activities you need to perform to reach them. On that calendar colour code your goals and activities as you complete them, so that you can visually see how you're performing. Mark the activities green if you performed them, mark them red if you didn't. Celebrate and reward yourself when you've achieved a fully green sequence of activities (e.g. two weeks of practising guitar every second day is marked green every second day).
Mariah’s Answer

Victor Pineiro
Victor’s Answer
Find a way to give yourself an hour, preferably first thing in the morning. Then give yourself a deadline.
Our brains tend to work best first thing in the morning. If you wake up and immediately pursue your yoga/guitar/writing/podcast (just one at a time!) you'll be amazed how quickly you'll start making progress. And once you start making progress, you'll likely be driven to find a bit more time at the end of the day to keep working on it.
A deadline is necessary because otherwise you'll often get distracted. Pick a date to create your next podcast episode, or learn a song on guitar, etc. At first it will be tough to create a realistic deadline but you'll get better at it over time.
An hour in the morning can be hard (especially if you get up early as it is!) but I find it very hard to context-switch between work and other things, so I like to separate the two, hours-wise. Also, you'll enjoy your workday so much more knowing you were already productive on your dream project/side hustle.
Carolyn’s Answer
Keri’s Answer
The one thing that you might find will help is creating a task list or some physical act that you can do every time you complete a task you have created, in the deadline you assigned for yourself.
If one of your goals for the day was to practice your yoga for 30 minutes, when you have completed your task in the time allotted, cross it off of your task list or add a dollar to your wish jar. Find some tangible "reward" for accomplishing your goals for the day, it may help motivate you toward a more structured, outcome driven result.
Hope this helps! Good luck!
Rachit (Richi)’s Answer
1. Allocate the hours you need for your activities.
2. Set your target for the month and then allocate hours per day to achieve the goal.
3. Set up a Calendar on your phone / Google Calendars/ etc.
4. Block time and build your schedule.
5. It's completely OK to deviate from the schedule. I personally just use it as a tool to build some structure to the day.
There are a ton of Excel calendar templates out there too that can help!
Good luck!
John’s Answer
Of course you can do this on a paper calendar as well or create a booklet with one sheet of paper per day and write things in for each day and mark a priority next to each.
Good Luck!