Can the goverment help me pay my career if I cant afford to pay it because my father passed away some months ago?
I want to study a major in Political Science, but my father passed away some months ago which was debastating for my family's economy.
My mother's job is not well payed and I also have two younger brothers. I am a US Citizen, and so are my brothers, but my mom isn't and my dad wasn't one. I am currently living in Mexico. #law #government #us-government
3 answers
Wael’s Answer
Hans, I am very sorry to hear that. Life throw challenges in our way but we have to stay strong and keep moving forward. As long as you are american, you can apply for students loans. In other wards, the american government would pay for your education and you would pay it back with interest as soon as you are done. Moreover, you could apply for grants and scholarships. The would help you out fund your education. Also, a job on campus would be beneficial. I had one throughout my bachelors. Lastly, paid internships are a great way to save some money in the summers while you are doing your bachelors. They are also great on your resume.
Student Loads:
Christopher’s Answer
Just wanted to say right off the bat, sorry for your loss. I hope you get through it. To answer your question there are ways to get your college payed for. Like getting a scholarship to different colleges, joining the military or doing government internships. I am currently doing a government internship that is going to pay me $6,200 at graduation to help pay for college or any other educational purpose like that. You have to go out and research yourself because those are the only ways I know of that the government will help pay for your college. Again, I'm sorry for your loss.
Kim’s Answer
There is a program called WIOA available at workforce centers, and youth services programs, which, at least at my center, cover through age 24. I don't think you would qualify living out of the country, but it is worth checking into. You need to check with the workforce center in whatever US city you most closely affiliate with. I know there is a lot out there - other programs too, through food stamps and TANF (housing assistance) but again, I think it depends on living here. Good luck!