4 answers
What does a US army soldier do on a daily basis??
I like to shoot firearms. I like to clean firearms and keep them clean. I also like to be in a high pace enviroments. And like to be in high preasure places. #Army #Marines #professional
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4 answers
Mark’s Answer
Sounds like you want to be an armor as your question is a lot of what their job is. As far as daily life, it starts with getting your living area squared away, then PT and chow. Then it's off to do your job for the rest of the day unless someone else wants you for a special detail. Daily life is what you make it and there are endless possibilities of addition duties you can volunteer for. For example when stationed at Ft. Sill I was on the post color guard team and traveled the surrounding area performing in parades and funerals. After you've been in a while you can apply for special forces or you could go airborne ranger. Best wishes
Jacob’s Answer
Hi, Dakota,
I noticed that you tagged "Marines" in your question along with the Army. I was an Infantry Officer in the Army for four years so I can speak specifically to that experience, but I think there are probably a lot of similarities to day-to-day life in the marines.
Your responsibilities and daily activities are dependent on what operational specialty you select. Check out the links below for different career options for the Army and Marines. Both branches have a variety of choices - I would definitely recommend familiarizing yourself with them. Keep in mind that, while firearms are a big part of many specialties, they are not necessarily something that you will deal with every day, even if you selected Infantry as your specialty. The media portrays the military in a somewhat unrealistic light. I would highly recommend asking questions to veterans and those who are currently serving to learn more about what military life is truly like.
A typical day in garrison goes something like this: you will wake up and report to your unit for accountability and first formation. Once that is complete, you will have a 60-90 minute physical training (PT) session. After PT, you will have some time to return to your barracks room/home to change, shower, and eat breakfast. After that, you will return to your unit for the duty day, during which you will perform whatever duties correspond to your specialty. You will get a break for lunch in the middle of the day and return to work for the afternoon.
When your unit is training in the field, your day will look considerably different and, again, is dependent on the specialty you select.
I know that's pretty high-level, but hopefully that gives you a little better idea of what a day in the life of someone in the Army or Marines looks like. If you have any other questions, feel free to add a comment to my answer.
Good Luck!
I noticed that you tagged "Marines" in your question along with the Army. I was an Infantry Officer in the Army for four years so I can speak specifically to that experience, but I think there are probably a lot of similarities to day-to-day life in the marines.
Your responsibilities and daily activities are dependent on what operational specialty you select. Check out the links below for different career options for the Army and Marines. Both branches have a variety of choices - I would definitely recommend familiarizing yourself with them. Keep in mind that, while firearms are a big part of many specialties, they are not necessarily something that you will deal with every day, even if you selected Infantry as your specialty. The media portrays the military in a somewhat unrealistic light. I would highly recommend asking questions to veterans and those who are currently serving to learn more about what military life is truly like.
A typical day in garrison goes something like this: you will wake up and report to your unit for accountability and first formation. Once that is complete, you will have a 60-90 minute physical training (PT) session. After PT, you will have some time to return to your barracks room/home to change, shower, and eat breakfast. After that, you will return to your unit for the duty day, during which you will perform whatever duties correspond to your specialty. You will get a break for lunch in the middle of the day and return to work for the afternoon.
When your unit is training in the field, your day will look considerably different and, again, is dependent on the specialty you select.
I know that's pretty high-level, but hopefully that gives you a little better idea of what a day in the life of someone in the Army or Marines looks like. If you have any other questions, feel free to add a comment to my answer.
Good Luck!
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Tomys’s Answer
There are many different jobs you can do in the Army. The day to day life can vary based on the job you choose. I spent 4 years in the Army and did Telecommunications. We would do a lot of training while on post. Spend time in the field on exercises where we would setup and maintain telecommunications equipment. M-F waking up at 0600 for physical training. Would go to the shooting range twice a year for qualifications and practice. I also maintained the Armor room for my unit. I went to a 2 week weapon course where I learned how to take apart and maintain multiple weapons.
Jamie’s Answer
Dakota, my experience is in Army Aviation where I served 21 years as an Army Aviation Officer and all the answers above pretty much cover the general day to day life as a Soldier. I would however suggest that shooting a gun out of a moving aircraft increases the excitement level a bit and if that sounds like something you are interested in then I suggest you look at being an Army Aviation Crew Chief and work towards finding your way into an Air Assault or General Support Aviation Battalion so you can be a door gunner in a UH-60 Blackhawk or CH-47 Chinook.