Career questions tagged marines

Im Completely lost within myself and my future college choice, please help!!!
Hi! Im currently a Senior in high-school, around the Dmv area. I have never really thought about what I wanted to have a degree in or in general what lies ahead of me. In the beginning of the school year i was thinking about majoring in Nursing specifically wanting to be a PICU Nurse. But later on realized My family can't afford to spend that much money but also wasn't planning on being in school for a long time. Then around like November, I was thinking about majoring in Forensic, and after having a not so friendly encounter with a Forensic Teacher in a different school, i felt unmotivated. But now I'm either thinking about joining the Marines/ Train to become a State Cop/or just go back to forensic. Especially since i have already applied to 2 Universities for Forensic Science and BioTechnology (Pre-Forensic Studies). I know it might sound cheesy but i just want to work to give me parents someone to rely on, Im the oldest out of my siblings and I don't know what I'm doing on CommonApp. Ive been just putting information I know and later on asking friends and my parents about other things. Im First-Gen and I very exhausted and overwhelmed. Please help!!

Questions regarding about Navy Corpsmen/Corpsmen who served with USMC
Hello, my name is Nathan D and I'm a high school student looking to contact with both Corpsmen in service or discharged from their duties. I have 10 questions I would like to ask if someone from this occupation comes by this. 1) What rank and position did you or currently hold? 2) What education have you undergone before your enlistment? 3) Have you worked in any previous occupations before your enlistment? 4) Have you completed college? Did you have a degree when you enlisted? 5) Did you serve alongside the USMC or did you stick with being alongside the Navy? 6) What programs or training had you undergone in order to become a Corpsman? 7) Where were you deployed during your service? 8) Have you been in a tour of duty? 9) What services do you offer as a Corpsman to other service men? 10) How long did you serve for? Thank you if you came to stop by and take the time to answer these questions, your service is appreciated.

What is something you wish you had known when you joined the military?
This question is part of our professionals series, which aims to expose students to questions they might not be considering.

What are the biggest benefits for joining the military?
I have been wanting to join the military when I get old enough. I would like to know what the benefits of each of the branches.

What does a combat photographer do on a daily basis?
I'm considering combat photography as a career but I don't know much about it. Just wondering if I could get any more information on the subject. #photography #career #marines #armedforces #combatphotography

How do companies view military service?
When hiring, do companies view military service as a good or bad thing? If it it a good thing, what branch looks best? Marines, Army, Army National Guard, Air Force, Air National Guard, Navy, Coast Guard? And does it look better to have been an enlisted or officer? (I'm guessing the best combination is Air Force Officer) #military #any #army #pilot #navy #coast-guard #aviation #marine #marines #college #career #major #technology #hiring #future #company #corporate

Are ACT Prep Classes really that helpful?
I need an ACT score of at least 30 to get into a military academy. From my PSAT score, I'll probably get a 28. Will an ACT Prep class actually raise my score by two points or more? Thanks! #college #military #military #act #art #physics #air-force #navy #marines #theater #act #career #test #academy #english #math #reading #writing #ap #language #high-school #college #education

Police Explorer Program or Civil Air Patrol?
I'm trying to decide on which after school program I should. I don't want to take both since I already have a job, and I plan on taking a lot of AP classes, and joining athletics teams. After high school, first, I'm going to get a mechanical engineering degree, with an emphasis on either Aerospace or Robotics. Then I'll either join the Air Force as a developmental engineer and make a career out of that, or join the Marines as a combat engineer, and then join SWAT. I have a choice of either joining a Police Explorer's Program that will give me the skills and knowledge to start a path towards becoming SWAT, or I can do Civil Air Patrol which will give me flight hours and teach me about the Air Force, plus Aerospace. What's going to look better on resumes and applications, and overall, what's your opinion on what's going to be better. Also, I'm already planning on joining JROTC for school. Thanks! #mechanical-engineer #mechanical-engineering #engineering #social-work #civil-engineering #police #marketing #aerospace-engineering #mechanical #civil-engineering #military #marines #air-force #civil-air-patrol #police #first-responder #lawyer #law-enforcement

What can I do to become a fighter pilot?
I'm trying to prepare to become a fighter pilot. Either in the Air Force or Marines. I understand the process to become one, but what can I do to prepare? What subjects can I take in high school? What degree would be best to take while in college? #airline-industry #navy #military #pilot #aviation #any #air-force #marine #marines #fighter-pilot #airline #armed-forces #raptor #army #hashtag #career #college #high-school

Will I be able to join the Marines and go to college still not knowing what to major in?
I'm asking this because I am a junior in high school, currently wondering what I want to major in. It has always been a dream of mine to join the military because I like the idea of protecting those I love and care for. I want to be able to still continue my education after high school but I am stuck on choosing to go into the Marines right after or go to school first. #marines #theproud. #thefew. #education #college-advice

Military Opportunities?
I am a junior in high school and I’m planning on joining the Marines. I want to know what is better, to enlist right away or to go to a ROTC program or if I should go active or join the reserve and if I did go active or reserve which would have better opportunities in the work force after coming out of the Marines? #military #rotc #marines