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[closed] Why are non-experts needed for brainstorming sessions for office and business managment?


I am a business major with a major of administration and a concentration of management. I hope to get into office management and an entry level position. Why are a variety of group members needed in a brainstorming session, and not just experts? Does it have to do with the fact that potential consumers are the ones who will affected by buying the products? I thought that experts knew what they were doing because of professional experience and witnessing events such as customer purchases, ads, and mass opinions?

Thank you,
Aimee #business-administration #business-management #office-management #business-communication

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Susmit’s Answer

Good question.. Problems that "experts" face at times is that the depth of their knowledge can potentially restrict / limit their thoughts. Out of box thinking at times requires a completely different perspective. Having a diverse group in a brainstorming session is particularly useful and could lead to new / unconventional ideas with great potential. As they say.. to think out of the box, you have to get out of the box.