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Do you have to rely on others?

My parents have provided me with so much all my life and presently, I feel so bad for asking them for help on anything. A semester ago I did not have any money at all in my name and when my friends would want to hang out or if I had an event, I wouldn't go. Since I dorm in college, I also did not have money to buy things that I needed such as; laundry detergent, pencils, pens.. I don't want to ask my parents because as someone who uses the money they earned on themselves, I'd rather let them use their own money on themselves.. I don't know if that makes too much sense haha. But.. Is there a time when you have to become self-sufficient? When is it okay to rely on others? #career #jobs #money #family

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Kim’s Answer

Let's see if I have this right. You make $9/hr working 30 hours a week, do not have any bills other than incidentals? You are not paying for your education or your dorm or a car? Do you even pay for your own cell phone? If that is correct, you should not be needing to ask your parents for money. You are in a state where you are transitioning to adulthood. As a full-fledged adult, you will find that you do not have money to blow on partying, because the mailman keeps bringing you bills, bills, and more bills. If you are blowing through $800 a month and have nothing to show for it, it will be extremely difficult for you to transition to the hard times that most young adults face when they first leave home.

When is it okay to rely on others? When it is something major, something unexpected, AND the others have the means to help you. My parents have helped me with buying a house, but I paid them back. You really need to start working now on developing good money handling practices. You should be saving money for emergencies, called an "Emergency Fund," so if your car needs repairs, or you break a tooth, you will be able to pay for it. Buying things on credit gets expensive really fast, and if you let the balance keep growing, you may not be able to use the card when you really need to.

You have asked a lot of money questions. Please, please try to get a good grip on this situation as soon as possible!

Thank you comment icon Honestly, I just started going to college and I take loans out. I am working a job only for the summer as of now because once I go back to college, I'll have to find a new job. Of course my parents expect me to pay all the money back once I get to a good paying job/career? I'm just worried about the future when I will be in a huge amount of debt. Sorry if my money problems are worrying you . Tiffanie
Thank you comment icon You are not bothering me. You are showing more awareness than most. You are right to be concerned. The economy is not strong, and many jobs pay only $15, even with a degree. When it comes to saving, nickels and dimes add up. I used to carry cash, but spend only bills. At the end of the day, the change went in a jar. As for depending on others, If your parents are able to assist, then perhaps you could get an "allowance," Then you would not need to ask each time. Asking is difficult. But, if you have money, you should be buying your own clothes, toiletries, etc. When you graduate, you might need a roommate at first. Independence is something special. Living at home makes you still feel like a kid. Kim Igleheart
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Hope’s Answer

Hi, Tiffanie. I can tell you what I did in college and how I learned from it. Some of my friends and I traded services. For example, I would do a friend's hair and she would let me join in at mean time. Though I really didn't like couponing, I joined in when my friends did it and saved a lot of money. Also, volunteering was big at my college. I noticed when I volunteered, I found out about very useful resources for cost effective foods, goods and services. Last but not least, know that sometimes it is okay to accept help. In other words, I found building wonderful relationships, using my talents and giving to others to be very useful. I hope this helps. :-)