Career questions tagged money

Some careers pay more money than others. However, money doesn't always lead to long-term satisfaction. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less
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lisaMar 231762 views

Which online jobb can i get at 14 years old?

Hi, I am 14 yo and i was looking for the job but i live in a really small town, so i thought i could find one online. I am concerning which jobb can i do at this age. I am kind of good in maths and english, also familiar with social medias. I don`t really know, where should i search for the job. I couldn`t find any specific websites for this purpose. I`d be very gratefull for your help!

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Active Mar 26
location iconBardufoss
undefined's avatar
LylaMar 231319 views

How can I learn how to make money as a 14 year old?

How can I learn how to make money as a 14 year old? I would like to start saving up money for my future such as college and a car. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

answer icon4 answers
Active Mar 25
location iconThatcher
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serenaMar 20372 views

Did you ever feel obligated to chose a STEM career over a creative one?

I am in the process of choosing my career and major for college, but I am unsure if a stem career is really worth it.

answer icon2 answers
Active Mar 21
location iconSan Francisco
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FelixMar 18194 views

Should I start investing in crypto as a highschooler?

Im a highschooler and my friend wants me to get into crypto and memecoin since he has a lot of experience. However my parents are saying no, what should I do?

answer icon3 answers
Active Mar 24
location iconSan Francisco
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ChristianMar 18210 views

What is an easy way to apply or find scholarships?

I am a Junior in highschool and want to start early while finding scholarships.

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Active Mar 19
location iconSan Francisco
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Alfa alamMar 18565 views

I am 15 and want to get chance in MIT but I cannot afford its tuition fee.What is the maximum scholarship i can get as an international student?

I obtain pretty excellent mark in my academic exams and am a National champion debater.I also have success in MUN,SCOUT,singing etc.

answer icon3 answers
Active Mar 19
location iconUnited States
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KhaiMar 131654 views

What income did you need to live comfortably?

This is a question that I keep asking myself when I am deciding a career to go into. I'm scared if the career that I pick will be unable to provide for my family and me. I am interested in the medical field right now however I feel uncertain if I will be qualified enough for the job or for schools. I simply just want to help both people and my family if I could and I would like to know what kind of income I should be aiming for to provide for my family and me.

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Active Mar 17
location iconOlympia
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ArhamMar 13452 views

How can I make enough money to buy a car in Pakistan ?

Online work

answer icon1 answers
Active Mar 14
location iconIslamabad
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KaitlynnMar 061971 views

What paid opportunities can I do as a 15 year old ?

Most I know of require you be at least 16 years old, so what can I do as a 15 year old to make money?

answer icon4 answers
Active Mar 08
location iconSan Francisco
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ZiyueMar 06598 views

What is the top 10 most paying jobs ?

I want to make money in the future, but I don't know what is popular in the future?

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Active Mar 12
location iconSan Francisco
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KloieMar 041223 views

how to earn money as a 13 year old girl?

I’m currently in 8th grade and need a way to earn money

answer icon4 answers
Active Mar 08
location iconThe Colony
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IsabelleFeb 28789 views

How do I make a cover for my book?

I don't want to have to pay money and don't want to use AI

answer icon6 answers
Active Mar 06
location iconStockholm
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NiaFeb 28928 views

Does education make a difference in salary for a fashion designer?

is your salary going to be more if you have a higher degree in fashion or is it based on how long you worked somewhere or experience?

answer icon4 answers
Active Mar 07
location iconBloomfield
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BellaFeb 272296 views

Hi, I am looking for jobs as a 14 year old and I can't seem to find any and I don't have a phone. Can I get some advice?

I am just looking for some extra cash to have on hand for when I go into high school and for a phone. Please give advicei need some please.

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Active Mar 02
location iconWhitefish
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CharlieFeb 271797 views

Salary and Benefits for a veterinarian: From the lowest salary you can find to the highest salary and why it varies, years on the job, education level, etc.

Salary and Benefits for a vet: From the lowest salary you can find to the highest salary and why it varies, years on the job, education level, etc.

answer icon2 answers
Active Mar 03
location iconYerington
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YeminehFeb 262801 views

How and where can I find a job or earning sources for my field?

Im a fine artist, thesis student, need to find jobs or earning sources to earn at this point. Im finding jobs, paid internships, online jobs remote/hybrid to start earning as soon as possible. College Major: Fine arts, painting

answer icon3 answers
Active Mar 01
location iconLahore
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ThorisoFeb 26296 views

I want to be rich and have so much money online ?

Grade 8 and have money to help my family When I'm on school so my family can be so happy and I want laptop for school to study my Homework at home be happy

answer icon1 answers
Active Mar 02
location iconKuruman
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ArihantFeb 241689 views

Finance Vs Engineering?

All I want to do is make money. I know it sounds shallow but what would you recommend is a more lucrative field. I'm going towards finance but I think engineering makes more money. Also what type of engineering would make the most money?

answer icon4 answers
Active Mar 03
location iconTokyo
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codyFeb 20683 views

how should I be prepared for college?

I am a sophomore in high school and I like basketball.

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Active Feb 27
location iconElk River
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GavinFeb 181618 views

How do I achieve financial independence?

What is the best route for becoming independently wealthy?

answer icon7 answers
Active Mar 17
location iconUnited States
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JaneFeb 181605 views

How satisfied are you with your job, Financial Analysts?

Please rate your job satisfaction (is there enough time for your personal life, are you happy coming to work, do you enjoy living and being financial analyst) from 1 to 10 (where 1 - not satisfied at all and want to change your profession and 10 is very satisfied) And share why As many even simple and short responses will really help, ask your friends financial analysts if you can Thank You very much ☺️💕

answer icon3 answers
Active Mar 13
location iconCardiff
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JeremiahFeb 182099 views

How can I make money at 14 years old ?

I know some stuff from stores

answer icon8 answers
Active Mar 04
location iconTampa
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FaizahFeb 171434 views

How do I get a at home job where I can review products or review movies or some thing and get paid ?

Time going to middle school soon and I feel like this is a good way to make money

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Active Feb 18
location iconSinking Spring
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victoriaFeb 12317 views

What is the pay for a migration lawyer?

What is the median pay,salary, monthly?

answer icon1 answers
Active Feb 16
location iconAustin
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PedroFeb 10462 views

what is the salary for a astronaut?

I am 6th grade student

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Active Feb 11
location iconSaint-Georges
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WinterFeb 071725 views

How can I make money as a 14 year old ?

How do I make money? As a 14 year old? I am broke and I really want money bc I’m tired of this life where I can’t get myself anything and where I’m always lazy

answer icon5 answers
Active Feb 10
location iconBridgewater
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AbrahamFeb 06830 views

Best place to apply for scholarships?#Spring25

Grade 12 #Spring25

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Active Feb 09
location iconDallas
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DylanFeb 06529 views

How can you make a fair wage when you have a degree in Culinary Arts??

How can you make a financial living wage when you have a degree in Culinary Arts, baking?

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Active Feb 08
location iconArlington
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JaccobFeb 05394 views

How much do janitors make

I wanna know how well I'll be paid

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Active Feb 06
location iconUnited States
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khadijahFeb 03936 views

how to make money online without getting involve in getting scamed and what online jobs pay well for teenagers at the age of fifteenfore the age before the age of 20?

start an online job and make money before the age of 20. and also make it productive in my life. without getting involve in any bad online job or getting scamed.

answer icon4 answers
Active Feb 06
location iconAbuja