2 answers
What is the routine like for becoming a registered nurse?
I watch a lot of nursing videos with my mom and i try asking her questions but i realized that she doesn't work in that field for her job. I did ask a question 2 days ago and i got the answer for that one i just had another question to ask about it! #career #job-search
2 answers
Brittany’s Answer
Path of becoming an RN:
1. Complete pre-reqs in Health Sciences, then apply for the RN program (Associate's or Bachelor's).
After obtaining an ADN or BSN degree, you will be eligible to take the NCLEX by applying to the State Board of Nursing. Passing the NCLEX-RN examination confers the title as a Registered Nurse.
2. If you already hold an LVN/LPN degree, you may also apply to an RN-bridge program (shorther path) and sit for the NCLEX-RN examination after graduating from the program.
3. In my case, I held a foreign medical degree and challenged the nursing program offered by Excelsior College (Online course and Clinical Performance in Nursing Exam) and took the NCLEX-RN examination after completing the courses. There are criteria to be eligible for the nursing program at Excelsior College.
Routine Tasks of an RN: (not sure if the question was also meant to ask about the routine work of an RN)
There is no easy answer for this question because nursing has many different fields and various specialties. RNs with advanced degrees also hold management and leadership positions which add more complexity of the daily routine that nurses assume at the workplace.
If I may ask, is there a specific field or position you have in mind for your future? This will help identify the tasks involved with your chisen career goal. Thank you.
1. Complete pre-reqs in Health Sciences, then apply for the RN program (Associate's or Bachelor's).
After obtaining an ADN or BSN degree, you will be eligible to take the NCLEX by applying to the State Board of Nursing. Passing the NCLEX-RN examination confers the title as a Registered Nurse.
2. If you already hold an LVN/LPN degree, you may also apply to an RN-bridge program (shorther path) and sit for the NCLEX-RN examination after graduating from the program.
3. In my case, I held a foreign medical degree and challenged the nursing program offered by Excelsior College (Online course and Clinical Performance in Nursing Exam) and took the NCLEX-RN examination after completing the courses. There are criteria to be eligible for the nursing program at Excelsior College.
Routine Tasks of an RN: (not sure if the question was also meant to ask about the routine work of an RN)
There is no easy answer for this question because nursing has many different fields and various specialties. RNs with advanced degrees also hold management and leadership positions which add more complexity of the daily routine that nurses assume at the workplace.
Brittany recommends the following next steps:
Raquel’s Answer
In order to become a registered nurse you will need to get either and associates or bachelors degree in nursing, both of these degrees will allow you to take the NCLEX exam to gain your RN licensure. The associates degree will be faster than the bachelors but many hospitals are now requiring a bachelors in nursing and you will need a bachelors if you ever want to further your education and move up in the field. To get into a nursing program you will have to take prerequisite courses, these very from program to program so research which program(s) you are going to apply to and see what their specific required prerequisite courses are. Most nursing schools require basic math and English, general & organic chemistry, anatomy & physiology, and microbiology. Before applying to nursing school you will also have to take either the ATI-TEAS or HESI entrance exam. These exams test your knowledge in math, grammar, reading comprehension, and anatomy & physiology. You will want to score well on this exam as well as have high grades in your prerequisite coursework in order to get accepted into a nursing program. It is very competitive to get into nursing school so you may need volunteering or shadowing hours, this is also school dependent so again make sure to research the specific school you’re interested in. Once you get accepted into nursing school the duration of the program can be variable, often times they are 2 years but there are accelerated programs that are shorter.
Best of luck!
Best of luck!
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