What is the number one essential characteristic to have a successful career?
Is it personality? Is it the career itself? #college-jobs
3 answers
Jason’s Answer
This might be my bias for people coming out, but my answer is the ability to build and maintain strong relationships. Very few of us will be successful all by themselves. For most of us, our success is a function of how we collaborate with others, and influence others, toward our goals. If you can't find an authentic and appreciative way to reach out to other people, you will have a hard and lonely time accomplishing anything.
Dave Ramanauskas, Agile Consultant, CSM, CSP
Dave’s Answer
Some people say you need passion, but I think the term passion is overused. I think you need to find something that gives you energy and purpose, something that males you want to jump out of bed in the morning. Something that makes you lose track of time while you're in the "flow' of what you're doing. Maybe what I'm describing is indeed, passion. But I think its a level of deep interest, energy, engagement and caring about what you do for a living. Great question! Best of luck for a prosperous future.