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How do I organize myself with keeping my grades up in my classes, studying for the PSAT's, and being in clubs?

I am a rising junior at Kearny High School. School is starting up and I am realizing that things are about to get chaotic for me since I know that I will take the PSAT's and then the SAT's these upcoming months. I am in three honors classes and one AP class; as well as in a few clubs and organizing to start up a new club too. I want to ask how I will organize myself with all of this going on. I want to ace those PSAT's/SAT's but I do not want to feel too overwhelmed as well. I want to know how I can organize my studying schedule. #college #studies #organization #classroom

Thank you comment icon This is fairly difficult to answer. If I were in your position, I would simply say to relax and let things happen as they come along. But that's a lazy reply, not a good answer. First of all, you should look up what clubs align with your interest. For example, if you like to act, then look for a Drama Club. However, I would tell you to not focus on extracurricular activities, especially if you are in 3 honors and one AP classes. If you're set on an extracurricular activity, the aforementioned club that aligns with your interests would work, but I'd make one club the maximum. Focus primarily on your classes and your school/homework, and use whatever time is left as you see fit. Willem

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Anita’s Answer


It sounds like you are struggling with organizing yourself. Don't worry, it's quite easy. The first step is to know what tasks and projects you have to do. Make a list of everything you want to do, along with any deadlines.

You’ll notice that your list consists of three types of work:
- Single tasks
- Recurring tasks
- Projects

Single tasks - put these on your "to do tomorrow list". Based on all the factors at the moment of choice (urgency, importance, time available, location, motivation, energy levels etc.) which task do you want to do first? Do it, cross it off your list, then pick the next one. I write these down on post-it notes so that I easily can move them from my "to do list" to my "Done" list because then I see how much I have done each week and can give myself recognition.

Recurring tasks - make a weekly checklist of your recurring tasks and simply tick them off as you do them.

Projects - Do one at a time (as far as possible). These consist of anything you consider to be more complex or time consuming than a task. List all projects, then choose a ‘Current Project’ based on urgency, importance and impact.

Prioritize only things that are deadline driven and do these urgent tasks first, then complete all the things you planned to do on any given day.
Once you have dealt with the immediate issues, it doesn’t matter what order you tackle your tasks in as long as they all get done, and remember that you are doing these tasks/projects to reach your goals. Give yourself recognition, and have fun while doing them.

Good luck with your studies!

Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice, I will do just that and create a page on Google Docs for all my tasks and have fun while doing some of these tasks since some of them are fun to do. Gloria
Thank you comment icon If the tasks are not interesting and fun to do, motivate yourself by giving yourself a treat when you are done. It could be a to see a movie, go out for dinner or go for a nice walk with friends :) Anita Hansols-Eriksson
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Robyn’s Answer

The best advice I would give is to get organized and figure out how you can get your school work and homework completed while also being involved in extracurricular activities that you are interested in. Being well-balanced is very important. It is also good life lessons to learn how to schedule your day well to fit in both.
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Emma’s Answer

I love using a planner! It helps me organize my days and block out time for everything I need to get done and want to do during the day. It makes it easier to check things off your to do list and ensure you are getting everything done. Make a priority list of what is most important to you and make sure you finish those tasks first. Example, I am really passionate about doing well in school and getting good grades, so I make sure i finish all my homework before going to a club or another event.