For female professionals: Have you even encountered any obstacles obtaining leadership positions because of your gender, and if so, how did you handle those challenges?
I've always had slight concerns about being a woman pursuing a historically male-dominated field (in my case, psychology research/professorship), and I was curious what have been the experiences of women in leadership positions. Was it difficult getting where you are because of your gender? Are there certain fields where sexism is still a common practice? If you have had any of these experiences, what advice do you have for young women who may be navigating this environment? #leadership #women-in-stem #women #women-in-tech #women-in-engineering #sexism #women-in-leadership #women-in-higher-ed
12 answers

Meg Layton
Meg’s Answer
These challenges still exist, although not as much as twenty years ago - and with the connections of the Internet, it is much easier to find support these days which can absolutely help you navigate challenges like this. If the environment is healthy and aware, there's two things I would recommend you focus on - 1) Exposure - make sure that you are exposed to opportunities that can help you. This includes building a gender-neutral support network that can open opportunities for you. 2) Visibility - make sure that you are visible within your field to the best of your ability. That includes visibility up the chain as well as downstream. In order for us to continue to make progress, those coming up in the field need to have someone to watch .
I once heard someone say "Make sure YOU know what you know, and then make sure others KNOW you know what you know" and I think that's excellent advice.
Elena’s Answer
Focus on your goals and dreams, visualize how you will get there and get it done!!!
Ashok’s Answer
Yes, those challenges still exists but not as much as it did a few years back. Even though those challenges exists, you have to have the right mindset. You should ignore those challenges and do as you believe is right. Don't build walls against your development. The world is hard enough but you have to believe in yourself. If you have the right mindset and believe in yourself, those challenges will be much easier to tackle. Best Wishes.
Ayanna E.’s Answer
Hi Alexandra, I went and got an answer from a good friend of mine who is currently a female professor in psychology at a major university. Hope her answer gives you some insight:
Being a woman in the professoriate, specifically in the field of Psychology, can present some barriers depending upon the department. Some Psychology departments are still very male-dominated and as a result, still expect women professors to handle the “grunt work”. Mainly, male professors will sometimes expect women professors to handle all of the academic advising because they feel that women are nurturers and will do a better job with this. There are also instances of flirting, of which you need to be aware, and being called “Sweetie” or other pet names. However, sexism is not the only “ism” you have to worry about, there is also racism and ageism. If you are perceived as a “young” woman professor, your ideas and opinions may be viewed in a different way. “Oh she’s young, she needs mentoring, she doesn’t know exactly how we do things here, etc.”
As far as leadership positions are concerned, you want to be the best of the best and do not get caught up in the politics of your department. My advice in Psychology specifically is to make sure you are published. Make sure your research is solid no matter what type of institution you want to work for in the future (i.e. Research institution vs Teaching institution). When your research is solid and you have a line of publications, you are taken more seriously.
I hope this helps. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
Rashunda L. Stitt, PhD
Jordan’s Answer
I have to agree with the overwhelming majority above, that this is still a possibility. I believe we have seen great progress over time and there are many people working to continue to make changes on gender equality.
With that being said, approaching any position with this in your mind will only inhibit you. I have found it is best to approach each opportunity as it is rightfully mine. What work have we put in to be presented with the opportunity? What key pieces do we contribute to be the best candidate for the position? How have we set ourselves apart from the competition?
If we keep our focus the items we can control, as opposed to the outside factors that may or may not play a part in these decisions, we are far more likely to be successful. Be confident and trust that the right thing will come along!
Monica’s Answer
These type of challenges are still prevalent, and especially across industries which were predominantly lead by males 20-30 years ago. So most scientific fields, i.e medical, engineering, biology, populated mostly with males 20-30 year's ago, are currently lead by those same people. It is rare to see a leader who is female, but they are there and you can find them! And when you see them, they are likely to be eager to mentor or support the rookie females that are in the bottom ranks.
What I recommend is to reach out and let them know you are there, you are serious about your career and plan to pursue it for a while, and that you would like to be a mentee. This sounds ambitious, but it is welcomed by those leaders who went through what you are about to experience. And most of the time, the female leader will prop you up and give you her time and advice. Not only that, but its always good to be known to those who are up above and can advocate for you if you choose to lead as well.
Melanie’s Answer
This thought is what keeps me fighting and encouraged to acknowledge the challenge and meet it with a positive attitude, instead of resentment.
I hope this helps as encouragement.
Roberta’s Answer
I'm sure they do exist in certain places and probably at certain levels but my experience in the companies I've been fortunate enough to work, this is very rare.
For example, someone was promoted here when she was 3 months pregnant. We simply started her rotational back up, another woman, at the same time so that when she took her leave someone was skilled to fill in for her and the was hers when she returned.
As Ashok says, ignore the challenges that you perceive and don't leave anything stand in your way of doing what you believe is right. If you want to try something, try it. If you want a position, got for it. Let people see what you can do. Let them know what you can do. Meg makes a good point, Make sure you know what you know and do what you can to make sure others know that you do.
Kirsten’s Answer
Esther’s Answer
My company has an organization called Women of Wireless that helps women employees understand how to "promote ourselves" and gain the contacts and the experience to move into leadership positions. A lot of the training deals with being able to talk about our accomplishments (because as women we tend to downplay all the good things we've done and focus on the negatives instead), getting a mentor at the company who can help with your development and building a brand for ourselves (through our work, coworkers and social media). Learned a lot of things to help me grow and develop as a professional woman in the workplace and you can too.
Good news is you don't have to wait to be in the workplace to try out some of these things. You can start while you are in school ! It just takes some effort and the ability to stretch beyond your comfort zone. And I know you can do it too! Check out Sophia Amuruso's Girlboss book when you can. It is an amazing story of how she built her brand/business with lots of leadership tips along the way. You'll love it.
Esther recommends the following next steps:
Gina’s Answer
Gina recommends the following next steps:
Apryl’s Answer
I've worked for 2 major corporations over the course of 20+ years and have held a few different leadership roles. As a young woman in a leadership role, I would say my challenge was more around my age as opposed to my gender. With that being said, if I could do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. It's challenging, yet rewarding. Best of luck to you!