2 answers
Will my hood love me when I donate back or will they think I’m just doing it just to get a good image of me giving food away?
#food #donate
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2 answers
Marilyn’s Answer
Always examine the reasons why you are donating or volunteering. Your actions should match your intentions. Your volunteer efforts should be done with integrity and respect of those receiving it. If it is received negatively, try joining forces with an organization that shares your vision. They may have better resources to support your community and it may be conveyed in a way that isn't offensive.
Pro’s Answer
How about focusing on your own feelings about it instead of what everyone else thinks about you? How would it make you feel to be helping others? If your heart is in it, then it doesn't matter how many weirdos try to shame you out of doing it, you'll just keep doing it anyway and know that you're better than the accusers. Do it in private, without seeking the approval and praise of others, and the Lord will bless you.