what do I want in future ?
hello friends,
I am student of class 10th, India , CBSE board, my board exams are up soon..
I am an average student in studies.. I still don't know what to become in future or what stream should I choose.. every day I ask myself the same question "what do I want to do in my future? what do I want to become in future ?" I myself have no reply for that.
but, personally I want to become a lawyer. But people say its not a very good profession to go after and get discouraged..
Even my family don't want me to become one..
I am good in chemistry
average Math
still better in S.ST
#law #career #lawyer #college #INDIA
7 answers
Andrew’s Answer
I am a lawyer, and I can tell you from experience that it is a wonderful profession. You can work on issues from nearly any field where there is a legal component. Like chemistry? Try working as in-house counsel for a chemistry lab or university! Like engineering? You can become a patent attorney and work on issues that use both engineering and law!
The good news is you don't have to decide what you want to do with your entire future today. Pick the path that interests you most now and follow it with all your passion. You can always do something else later, but you will regret it forever if you don't at least pick something to start with now. Law worked for me, and I got an MBA from the University of Chicago later so I could work in private companies rather than just law firms or government. The legal profession is stable, pays well, and is generally well regarded in the United States. Things may be different in India, but if you come here for an LLM then you will find a profession filled with colleagues who will welcome and support you.
Hope this helps!
Preneeta’s Answer
Kalyanasundaram’s Answer
The choice that you make has to be your own. You have various factors such as your family economic condition, your interest areas, your friends and their influence / impact on the choices that you make. While all of this is important, the final decision will always be yours, so stay committed to that decision and whatever that may be, your education only gets you an entry into the door, the rest is about the effort that you put to make is work for you. You can get inputs and suggestions from us on this forum, but ultimately you are the only one who will make the decision work.
Priya’s Answer
All the very best.
Anurag’s Answer
Hope you are doing well. I can totally understand your situation here. The first suggestion from my side would be to do the stuff that you like. Being a lawyer is lucrative career prospect. What you need to do is that , it isn't the case now a days that lawyers work in court only, there are corporate lawyers as well. Being a lawyer is a very responsible job. You need to have the knowledge and remain up to date on the new amendments.
If you take some other path, which you are interested in right now, you might regret later.
Samantha’s Answer
Donna’s Answer
First of all, you are not alone. Because I am not familiar with the economy in India and what exactly a CBSE Board was, I had to Google it. :)
So you are what is called a "fresher". So I found this website "freshers world" below that lists different types of jobs available in the economy. Most are IT based but there are other selections also.
As for lawyer, if that is what you truly desire, then that is what you should work towards. Who knows as you pursue this you may find another career that suits you even better.
I have included several websites below which are to determine career aptitude and what careers may best suit you. I am not a great college/ book learner and took a military track to determine my future career. I had an aptitude for computers, but I was apprehensive because I had failed PASCAL and struggled in other programing languages of my time. In the military I took up computer and electronic repair. That led me to learning drafting for mapping out system and circuit diagrams. Now I plan out fiber optic networks and as a collateral duty work with the IT teams to develop the next generation of software provisioning and data tracking systems.
Be patient with your self! Just choose a path that you find some interest in! Ask questions, explore! You will find your way.
Donna recommends the following next steps: