Is it a good idea to choose to study in business information systems? Is it in a high demand in the marketplace nowaday or not? Can anyone tell me, please?
I want to know more about it. #business #computer #japan #business-analysis #business-intelligence #it-management #marketing-communications #information-systems
6 answers
Greg’s Answer
I suggest you speak with your career placement group and see what they are seeing across the board. For me, the area of study and the need is in demand. We look for r people that can use tools and data to analayze what the next path should be and what is disruptive to the market.
Anna’s Answer
Kari’s Answer
The demand is not as high, however if you do not have a background in programming or computer science, an intro to business info systems is a good introduction.
Joanne’s Answer
There's nothing wrong with a Business Informations System degree .. however ...
if you want to hone your computer skills, consider a computer science type of study.
If you are interested in managing those that use computers, once again, consider a computer background (engineers will torture a manager with no area expertise).
I have my MBA and am glad I have a science upon which to use my business skills against.
Eizo’s Answer
Business Information Systemは将来有望な分野だと考えます。
Computer Science にような理系ではキャリアの幅が少ない、ITやテクノロジーの知識をどうビジネスに生かすか、はやりのAIやBig Dataなどの分析解析、人工知能などのテクノロジーも、キーポイントはビジネスにどう貢献するか、どう人や社会の役に立てるかだと思うので、 Business Information Systemは今後もっと必要になる分野といえると思います。
私はBusiness Operationという、日本の大学でいう文系が専攻で、理系のアプリケーション、ソフトを開発するのではなく、どうビジネスに生かすかをを大学で学び、現在非常に役に立っていると思います。