Career questions tagged computer

A computer is a foundation for many careers as most careers require a computer for its work. From computer engineers, social media intern, to figuring out how to clean your email inbox, a computer has multiple uses. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less
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RyanMar 28657 views

Where can I find online high school student opportunites for CS ?

As a high school student interested in comp sci, I have been searching for any kind of structured program for the summer like research or internships. I am only able to locate either over priced programs or programs that only accept specific demographics. I am from Wisconsin so there are no local opportunities near me. I plan on creating some solo projects in the summer, but a resume booster would be appreciated.

answer icon2 answers
Active Mar 28
location iconShawano
undefined's avatar
guillermoMar 183737 views

how to get a job in computer science ?

I want to get a job in computer- science working to help improve ai but I don't know where to started? Does anyone got any ideas or advice for m to find a job?? I also want to work remote so I can spend mortise with my family I'm only 17.

answer icon4 answers
Active Mar 21
location iconSan Francisco
undefined's avatar
JosekMar 142526 views

Career orientation in Information Technology - Please advise!?

I am currently a senior in Information Technology. I feel quite vague about my career path after graduation. I have some interests and skills such as: Programming (Python, Java, C++) Website design (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) Data analysis (SQL, Excel) Love to explore and discover new technologies I am hesitating between the following options: Option 1: Become a backend programmer at a large technology company. I want to work in a professional environment, learn from talented people and participate in large projects. Option 2: Start a business with a mobile application project about education. I have an idea for an application to help students review knowledge more effectively. I want to build and develop my own product. Option 3: Continue studying for a master's degree in Data Science at a university abroad. I want to study this field in depth and become an expert in data analysis. I want to ask everyone: With my interests and skills, which field should I pursue? What are the pros and cons of each choice? Any advice for fresh graduates like me to better orient their career? What skills are most important for a fresh graduate programmer? What steps can a fresh graduate take to start a successful career in the technology field? What factors should be considered when deciding to study for a master's degree abroad?

answer icon5 answers
Active Mar 17
location iconSan Francisco
undefined's avatar
AngeloMar 042248 views

What computer science careers would only knowing python land me in?

If one were to only know python and wanted to take be a STEM major, what careers would they be able to pursue?

answer icon6 answers
Active Mar 26
location iconSan Francisco
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mariaMar 042541 views

Which field of Computer Science should I opt as major subject in my BS ?

I am very confused about choosing a field of Computer Science in my BS as i am going to join in this september after completing my A levels with CS,Maths & Phy...I am interested in becoming hacker but previously i was stick of sofware engineering because i knew nothing about becoming a hacker but honestly speaking i know nothing about hacking except that what actually a hacker does..i want a suggestion if any field related to this or some other field of CS doing well; works for me as a girl.I would love to get a complete roadmap of how to do or embark on this journey of exploring the depths of computer science..most importantly i want to which majors should i choose in BS or simply continue with Computer Science as a general/major in BS...

answer icon9 answers
Active Mar 14
location iconMultan
undefined's avatar
ThabisoMar 012135 views

which career path can i follow?

At school I take Physics, Chem, Computer Applications and Engineering Graphics and Design.

answer icon7 answers
Active Mar 02
location iconCenturion
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JenniferFeb 28630 views

Does learning programming early help in the future?

Hello everyone, I am a high school student and I have recently become interested in programming. I have tried learning some languages ​​such as Python and JavaScript, but I am still not sure if this is the right career path for space waves. I have a few questions and I hope those of you with experience can help me: Will learning programming now really help me in the future, even if I am not sure about pursuing this field? What skills besides programming should a good programmer have? Should I focus on one specific language or learn many languages ​​at the same time? If I want to build a small project to practice, what ideas should I start with? I would love to hear advice from everyone. If anyone has experience learning programming early, please share your journey with me! Thanks a lot!

answer icon4 answers
Active Mar 06
location iconSettle BD24
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NabeelFeb 281860 views

Should I choose Bioinformatics and what schoool to choose?

I read some articles that it is plausible to take bioinformatics even when a student didn't take biology classes (like me) BUT has a strong computer science background. As someone who wants to contribute to medical research, should I do it? I also see that Computational Biology / Bioinformatics curriculum is heavier on algorithm side. And what school should I choose? I am from Indonesia and looking for scholarship to study abroad.

answer icon4 answers
Active Mar 06
location iconBengkulu
undefined's avatar
BryanFeb 181621 views

How do you go about reading language documentation?

A common piece of advice given to understand and write code is to read the documentation or library. However, when I try to get started, there's a lot of information to get through and I don't know where to navigate to. Another related question is, is it better to read through the documentation to get the gist of the language for example python, or to refer back to whilst writing code?

answer icon6 answers
Active Mar 01
location iconNew York
undefined's avatar
SideFeb 091190 views

"What are the best platforms and resources to use for streaming and building a gaming audience" ?

Also I want to know "What are the most important qualities and skills that professional gamers need to succeed?"

answer icon4 answers
Active Mar 24
location iconIndia
undefined's avatar
mayaFeb 072527 views

What is going to college for computer service like?

I am currently enrolled in Job Corps and in the process of getting a trade in a computer service. I also am going to college once I finish the program I just need advice about what college is like, especially for people whose majors involve computer service.

answer icon6 answers
Active Feb 20
location iconMemphis
undefined's avatar
KajuanFeb 06585 views

did you find IT/computer science or did it find you?

Id love to hear different experiences from people in the field.

answer icon5 answers
Active Mar 12
location iconJacksonville
undefined's avatar
KajuanFeb 06402 views

what common obstacles come up in the IT/computer science field?

as an IT student at jobcorps I've been curious about possible hurdles id have to get through while learning and applying myself.

answer icon6 answers
Active Mar 03
location iconJacksonville
undefined's avatar
KajuanFeb 06723 views

what prequisite skills would be handy prior to going into IT/computer science?

im currently enrolled at jobcorps looking to IT for a future career in software engineering and am looking forward to it.

answer icon8 answers
Active Feb 20
location iconJacksonville
undefined's avatar
KajuanFeb 06574 views

Any IT/computer tech protips?

starting IT classes pretty soon so any insight would be appreciated.

answer icon5 answers
Active Mar 14
location iconJacksonville
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AutumnFeb 06964 views

How do I start computer design?

How do I start computer design?

answer icon5 answers
Active Feb 11
location iconEphrata
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mayaFeb 031522 views

What skills or abilities should I already have going into computer service ?

I am currently enrolled in Job Corps and in the process of getting a trade in a computer service. I am wondering what skills or abilities I should already have going into computer service.

answer icon6 answers
Active Feb 04
location iconMemphis
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Pier-AlexJan 31797 views

what we need to do to become a computer programmer?

thank you for your answer

answer icon8 answers
Active Mar 14
location iconSaint-Georges
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YasirJan 271195 views

Should I continue to learn Computer science and programming?

For a little background I started to learn programming around a few months ago and i really enjoy it, but I've been worrying about AI taking over if not in the near future maybe later on, I want to see if it's the way to go and it wont be replaced by ai (I'm a junior in high school).

answer icon12 answers
Active Feb 04
location iconChicago
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BansuriJan 251043 views

How can I find a coach for a Career in CS/GIS?

I envision a GeoSpatial Data analyst working for a private company in need of my skills in Computer spatial Data extraction, analytics, and visualization spatial statistics, data visualization, and programming in Python With my analytical MS Office and Design skills, I seek to develop predictive models and create interactive maps for retail and disaster management industries. I am a student at a 4-year college studying Information Technology. To accomplish this, I graduated with a BS in Information Technology and a second BS in Computer Science/GIs with GIS certification, but I have little to no experience yet. I am seeking a mentor/professional to guide me in coaching for a career in integrating Geography, Data analytics, and Computer Science. The general consensus is that I am best suited for work in Government or non-profit organizations, but that is not where I like to be. Maps and Data brainstorming have been my passion, not so much Mathematics or statistics.

answer icon5 answers
Active Feb 04
location iconHouston
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ElyazJan 23925 views

What cybersecurity programs/software can I start practicing right now while I wait for my advanced training to begin in the fall of 2025?

Are there any free courses online I can begin today so I can start to familiarize myself with the required material?

answer icon9 answers
Active Jan 31
location iconSan Jose
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BraydenJan 23689 views

What is the best way for me to find a great mentorship to understanding and writing code and working on computer?

"What are my options? " I would like to understand more about working with computers and coding? What would be the best options as I come out of high School? I have a full scholarship to go to Lee University but I'm thinking of taking classes from home and wonder would or where to get a good mentorship for my dream job. Where would be the best , ot should I say how is the best way for me to go about my quest in learning more in this field?

answer icon11 answers
Active Feb 04
location iconSale Creek
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BarbaraJan 22588 views

Personal computer science projects?

How do I get started on personal computer science projects (water sort)? Do I just follow a tutorial that gives me step-by-step instructions? Do I have to create the whole thing from scratch? What are some projects I can put on my resume?

answer icon5 answers
Active Feb 04
location iconNew York Mills
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mayaJan 171927 views

What are the working conditions in computer service like?

I am currently in the process of getting a trade in a computer service. I am wondering about what the working conditions are like because they are going to dictate if I want to go into this career.

answer icon7 answers
Active Feb 04
location iconMemphis
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OreoluwaJan 17413 views

Is the starting salary for an I.T. career above $75,000 a year?

What factors contribute to the starting salary of an I.T. career exceeding $75,000 annually?

answer icon5 answers
Active Feb 04
location iconUpper Marlboro
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BryantJan 16453 views

What can a bachelor's in Computer Science do for a pursuing airline pilot?

I am a computer science major in talent ready as a freshman and I'm wondering if I will have a higher chance of getting a job as a pilot or anything in the aviation industry,

answer icon3 answers
Active Feb 03
location iconLargo
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LiamJan 16376 views

What aspect of software engineering do you find most fulfilling, and how has that influenced the projects you choose to work on?

I am in 9th grade and I have a 3.6 GPA. My favorite class is Team Sports.

answer icon4 answers
Active Jan 28
location iconLargo
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KamariiJan 15783 views

What growth opportunities do they have for future success?

I am attending Job Corps San Jose

answer icon4 answers
Active Jan 31
location iconSan Jose
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ElyazJan 14837 views

When learning about cybersecurity, what kind of programs or software do you have to become familiar with?

Do I need a background in programming?

answer icon5 answers
Active Jan 19
location iconSan Jose
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LaniJan 091066 views

About how long would it take me to become an electrical engineer and is it worth it to go to school for that long?

I am still battling with what I want to pursue after high school and engineering is at the top. Unfortunately, some of my peers don't agree and think its a waste of my time.

answer icon9 answers
Active Jan 16
location iconUnited States