Is it okay to feel scare to start working?
Im new to all of this "independence" #work-life-balance
15 answers

Racheal Noble, Ph.D., LMFT, LPC, NCC
Racheal’s Answer
Your confidence will grow overtime once you get acclimated into the process, however, it is totally fine to be scared and vulnerable because that's part of human nature.
Best of luck!
Mia’s Answer
Hello Adamar
Yes it's normal to feel a little apprehensive when started a new job or anything new. You will do well. Take advantage of every training opportunity that the job offers!
Hope this helps!
Jaclyn’s Answer
Kinsey’s Answer
I remember when I was in college and began waiting tables; I was horrible at balancing my tray and spilled two drinks on the same person… at different times. I was nervous trying a new job to begin with, and making a mistake made it worse. However, I practiced and figured out ways of working that led me to be successful. Over time I built confidence and ended up working my way into management.
Years later, I still remember that learning curve and the humility that comes with it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being nervous; sometimes feeling uncomfortable means you are actually acting upon the opportunity to grow, and you will be proud of yourself looking back!
Koji’s Answer
Brandon’s Answer
Ed’s Answer
Howard’s Answer
Kevin’s Answer
take a deep breath, try your best, listen and learn, everything will work out just fine
Good Luck
Yasemin’s Answer
Best of luck!
Brett’s Answer
Of course its ok to feel scared, I think we all are scared of new situations (whether we admit it or not). Put your best foot forward and realize that once you do what it is you are scared of it is no longer new and you have no reason to be scared. Good Luck!
Kruti’s Answer
Aparna’s Answer
Everyone at one point in their life, just like you must have felt that way. It's ok to feel scared as it is something you have never done before but believe me you will overcome your fear once you step into it. Think about swimming as an analogy, water can be scary at first, but as you learn how to swim you will enjoy water and swimming. Good luck! Believe you can do and take a deep breath and count 100 backwards, you will relax and take your first steps.