What are some career fields for electrical engineers?
I enjoy the electrical aspects of engineering such as circuitry and microelectronics. I enjoy home-automation, IOT, and robotics. However, I really do not want to end up being an electrician (not that there is anything that wrong with that; it's just not my thing). So, what are some other careers in the electrical-engineering field (other than research) and what are the best corresponding majors? #college #engineering #career #career-counseling #career-choice #electrical-engineering #electronics #automation
3 answers
Steve’s Answer
Hey Jacob,
Great that you're enjoying and finding interest in electronics! I too had similar interests when I was younger and made a career around that field. To help clarify a few things, there is a diferrence between electrical and electronic engineering - both deal with electricity and circuits. However, electrical deal with mostly non-decison making devices whereas in electronic engineering, you'll be workng more with highly interactive devices. There are also other degree's to take a look at that has more hands on such as Electronic Engineering Technology and Bio-Med Engineering Technology - Both encompass the electronic engineering, bio-med also integrates robotics and elctro-mechanical (here's a link to explain fairly well dif between E.E and E.E.T - http://forum.allaboutcircuits.com/threads/degrees-electronic-engineering-vs-electronic-engineering-technology.71056/ ) Here's a link on B.M.E (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biomedical_engineering and http://www.embs.org/about-biomedical-engineering/) - B.M.E. also has a B.M.E.T. option like the E.E.T. in several engineering schools - don't get these confused with the techinican/associate courses that some places offer - Here's some info on some E.E.T. programs (https://polytechnic.purdue.edu/degrees/electrical-engineering-technology)
Keep in mind that a lot of what's driving these electronic devices that you seem to be interested in are using programming languages as well... so, look into learning C++, Python, Java in your spare time (or minor in programming) as these will help further your readiness into the job market when you graduate, plus having some fun with electronics along the way.
Best of Luck,
Ken’s Answer
Hi Jacob!
You asked a very interesting question. Here are some sites that will help with an answer:
Best of luck! Keep me posted. I would like to follow your progress!
karthik’s Answer
Engineering Services
Electric power generating installations
Aerospace Manufacture Industry
Automobile Industry
Electricity transmission and distribution organizations
Government Electrical Works Department
Navigational equipment manufacturing industries
Architecture and Construction Firms
Defense & Space Research