Jared Chung
CareerVillage.org TeamHow could I stand out for entry-level community management jobs as a recent college graduate?
I'm interested in what student could do both at the "resume stack" stage when they're first applying as well as at the "interview" stage. What have you seen that helps (especially young people) stand out? What did you do to stand out?
_This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management #job-application
2 answers
Hector’s Answer
Mozart’s Answer
The student should be able to demonstrate that their is a social platform that matches their future employer that they understand, enjoy, and seeking new strategies to get better at. So, if you use Instagram the individual should be able to demonstrate that they know how to use story, short clips, tags, etc and to take a good picture that starts a conversation. Grammar, creativity, and understanding how to write in different voices is important too.
Action step: Use 1 platform for personal/professional use for 14 days and post daily in a way that attracts positive comments and conversation and feels natural and not spammy. If you can show me (the employer) that you can demonstrate consistency and be compelling - that's a great first impression. If it is too late and your personal social is not something you want to share, volunteer for a nonprofit or a small business and manage a social media property for 2 weeks. If you get engagement (comments, hearts, folks sharing it) and then present results at your interview I'm interested.
Being a true fan is loving the brand and excited about telling the story every single day --- and meeting people who are new or old time followers of the brand. If I meet a community manager who is not passionate about the brand they represent - I get discouraged. You've got to be very specific why you want to defend, support, and protect this community -- because that's the job. If you do that, then it's exciting.
Action step: Serve as an event planner or promoter for a community you love and pursue companies that match your values. If you have the technical skills (both platform + marketing/advertising/writing) you've got a great shot.
I wrote a brief article on community management that still may have some nuggets for folks too: