1 answer
Whats much money on average would I make of my first YouTube sponsership? I heard raid shadow legends was paying YouTubers up to 9,600$ per sponsership
#youtube Looking into a YouTube or Twitch Gaming Carrier. Still thinking about it might go with both.
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1 answer
Travis’s Answer
Hi Frances!
While I do not have a sponsorship / experience with Twitch or Youtube, I did have to research this in college. There is no true "base amount" for a sponsorship. Many things factor into how much money you will get from the sponsorship. Things such as the size of your audience, total engagement, and the size of the sponsor company all factor into the amount you would ultimately get. This is a good article to skim through to get a better understanding!
I would definitely recommend going with both, and doing Youtube and Twitch. You can do many different things such as live streaming and posting the full stream on Youtube, living streaming and posting the "highlights" or good moments, or whatever spin you would like on it! Whatever you choose, don't forget to make a social media account for the channel! Instagram and Twitter are great platforms to package quick clips and find a greater audience. Good luck with your channels!
While I do not have a sponsorship / experience with Twitch or Youtube, I did have to research this in college. There is no true "base amount" for a sponsorship. Many things factor into how much money you will get from the sponsorship. Things such as the size of your audience, total engagement, and the size of the sponsor company all factor into the amount you would ultimately get. This is a good article to skim through to get a better understanding!
I would definitely recommend going with both, and doing Youtube and Twitch. You can do many different things such as live streaming and posting the full stream on Youtube, living streaming and posting the "highlights" or good moments, or whatever spin you would like on it! Whatever you choose, don't forget to make a social media account for the channel! Instagram and Twitter are great platforms to package quick clips and find a greater audience. Good luck with your channels!