2 answers
What can I be doing right now to build my resume for mental health field employers?
I know that I want to go into the mental health field, but due to confidentiality issues, I see that I may not be able to job shadow. What else can I be doing now other than school? #career #mentalhealth #opportunity
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2 answers
Priya’s Answer
Hi Bobbi,
What level of schooling are you currently at? A great thing to do is to volunteer with any populations of interest you have. Just interacting with people in different settings can really help you consider if that is a group of people you would like to work with (domestic violence shelters, nonprofit agencies for refugees, assisted living, etc.) Volunteering at a nonprofit is a great avenue to gain experience in serving others.
What level of schooling are you currently at? A great thing to do is to volunteer with any populations of interest you have. Just interacting with people in different settings can really help you consider if that is a group of people you would like to work with (domestic violence shelters, nonprofit agencies for refugees, assisted living, etc.) Volunteering at a nonprofit is a great avenue to gain experience in serving others.