1 answer
whats it like in a typical day of a truck driver?what do you like least and most about your job?how long have you been doing it for?
Hello i am my name is Talique Estelle i am 18 years old i am a student at cleaveland job corps and i am trying to pursue a career of truck driving.What steps do you recommend i take in order to get there? Tell me some of your experinces. #truckdriving
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Narina’s Answer
Hi Talique, thank you for your question. There is no time better than now to join this interesting profession. There is a shortage of truck drivers in the country right now and any help would be greatly appreciated and well compensated. I do have a close friend who used to be a truck driver and I asked them to share some experience with me. The best part of been a truck driver is the convenience of having everything you need at your fingertips. If you are driving far distances you can take a nap in your truck, you can listen to your radio at all times, you can carry a mini-fridge and always have snacks and lunch stored for when you need it the most. There are things like bad traffic and accidents that were named as a downsides of this job. Of course dealing with busy American roads you would see a lot of this and probably learn not to focus on the negative side. You can do a lot of sightseeing while driving. Visit different states and areas if you are a long distance driver. The main advice that i got from an experienced truck driver is to go and try it. Give it your best for some time and decide if this is something that you are interested in long term, Good luck to you!