How would I help implement my Microsoft abilities into a career in business?
I am currently earning my degree in Information Systems Technology but am planning in going into the business part of IT. Also, I am earning my Microsoft certifications - going for the MOS Master certificate. #information-technology #business-intelligence #microsoft-office #presentations #microsoft-access #microsoft-excel #microsoft-word #microsoft-powerpoint
5 answers
Edwin’s Answer
For you day to day corporate life ... I would recommend learn advance excel (youtube is a good source),
Learn stuff like Nested IF, IFERROR, VLOOKUP, COUNTA, COUNTIF, transformation like CONCATINATE, FIND .. Date Time transformation etc. CONDITIONAL FORMATTING, Drop down LIST and LIST+INDIRECT, TEXT TO COLUMN, REMOVE DUPLICATE, PIVOTS & CALCULATED FIELDS, CHARTS and Embedding Linked CHARTS to PowerPoint and similar.
Learning speed and accuracy should be your objective, you can use sample data and build your proficiency.
After this comes second part which is using all the above items and start doing basic analysis, understand and use data as a tool in any field - sales, marketing, IT Service Management - start collecting data and start analyzing them and share your insights with leadership.
Next is SharePoint, or any similar product used by your company for collaboration - proficiency in this will take you places.
Learn stuff like SharePoint Lists and editing them in MS-InfoPath, List Work Flow, create sub-site, manage permission etc.
NOTE - the above prescription is way too advance and takes time to learn and years to master but once you enter corporate world, you'll see a these skill would make you life so much easier and you would have various opportunists to grow!
Chad’s Answer
When going into the business side of IT, I fully believe that you will be more successful if you truly understand the technology that is in your project portfolio. This involves a delicate dance of balancing business acumen with constantly evolving your technical knowledge base. As an example, if you are involved in sales of software products, you will showcase a lot more credibility being able to talk technical details about the product and what capabilities that customer can leverage for their organization, rather than just throwing out a sales pitch of the product.
Raghavendra’s Answer
While Microsoft's products are essential would advise you to look into other tools as well, they do have well thought products but often times they are restrictive and there is nothing we can do about it, also organizations are looking into lot of other tools like tableu, sfdc etc so its wise to hedge your skills in other tools as well..
Ahmed’s Answer
If you choose Sales, it would be very helpful for you as a Pre-Sale Engineer, Technical Sales Representative.
As a Project or Program Manager, it would be very helpful in driving the I.T projects you would be involved in, especially when liaising between the stake holders.
If you choose Entrepreneurship, this would be your core business, a Minor in B.A would help you manage your company.
Elizabeth’s Answer
Hi! I used Microsoft word to create my business plan, Excel for financial spreadsheets and graphs, PowerPoint for marketing and vendor presentations, and Publisher for marketing. Access is used by some businesses as a main database. We use it in pharmaceuticals for change control tracking.