How has dance and tecnology come together in the 21st century?
Not just dancing, but also in theatre, how has technology transformed the way plays and performances run? #computer-software #computer #technology #dance #theatre
2 answers
炜’s Answer
multifunctional bracket
A new life, matte painting, fully use of LED screen
Hagen’s Answer
Hello Tyra,
I was just in Austin and went to a Wax Taylor performance at the Empire Control Room. What was interesting and salient to your question is Wax's music is multi-media. Wax takes snippets from movies and recordings and integrates them into a kind of story line that unfolds during the composition. In addition, there is a running video that adds visual flavor to the piece. Multi-media isn't new but pushing it to the forefront of the composition - making the composition fundamentally multi-media is new.
My thinking on the matter is as the internet and social media permeates more and more of life making the boundary between the composition (in your case, dance or drama) more fluid and permeable mirrors our day to day experience in which texts and FB and notifications are running as a persistent parallel or co-narrative to our lives. That 'noise' is just part of the stage we live on and I can imagine dance and drama that would try can capture and mirror that experience - not so much in terms of what are people are tweeting about the performance, although that might apply, but more in terms that the composition would incorporate that fluidity between the dance, dancers and notifications - whatever that means in the artistic context.
Wax's multimedia composition are still fixed - the snippets are integrated into the music in an unchanging manner. I can imagine those snippets could become dynamic - real time.
So weird answer but food for thought.