3 answers
Any programs/shadowing opportunities for a Minor in Harris County, TX?
Fire, Rescue, EMS, Parks, Conservation, Law enforcement.
#Fire #EMS #TPWD # #police #police-officer #conservation #wildlife
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3 answers
Kim’s Answer
I recommend you look into the police explorer program. Lots of cities have them, and, apparently, so do the constables offices. Harris County precinct 4 Constable Office has one, but, I don't know what precinct you are in. It also looks like you might be fairly close to Liberty County, and the city of Dayton. There may be a requirement to reside in the county, but, it's worth looking into.
Miste’s Answer
This is a great question and very insightful and I am so proud of you and that you are inspired to do things in your life.
So because local Workforce Center cannot do official marketing due to the Federal and State monies that they get they are truly a "HIDDEN GEM" in most communities but in this case in Texas. I live in the beautiful state of Texas also and please know that your local Workforce Center has YOUTH PROGRAMS that help people ages 16-24 years old and this is definitely the case as well in Harris County. The Youth programs have work experience, internships, summer challenges, and more. Due to your question Work Experience may be what you may need to investigate further but if you share with your Workforce Center what you would like to do, they will guide you. Here is your local Workforce Center's information for you to explore further. https://www.wrksolutions.com/for-individuals/career-exploration/young-adult-services
Note: There is NO COST for the counselors or any of the services at Workforce Centers it is paid by taxes and grants. Please know that it is a process that one must go through with the Centers also and they may have to get information from you in which to determine eligibility so be a little patient as well.
You can also check out this website and it gives you a lot of information on the job from skills and education to a typical day. You can go to "Search Careers" and put in the career of your choice, https://www.mynextmove.org/
Here is another website you can go to as well to get further information as well. Under the "Occupational Search" section just put your career of choice, https://www.onetonline.org/
So because local Workforce Center cannot do official marketing due to the Federal and State monies that they get they are truly a "HIDDEN GEM" in most communities but in this case in Texas. I live in the beautiful state of Texas also and please know that your local Workforce Center has YOUTH PROGRAMS that help people ages 16-24 years old and this is definitely the case as well in Harris County. The Youth programs have work experience, internships, summer challenges, and more. Due to your question Work Experience may be what you may need to investigate further but if you share with your Workforce Center what you would like to do, they will guide you. Here is your local Workforce Center's information for you to explore further. https://www.wrksolutions.com/for-individuals/career-exploration/young-adult-services
Note: There is NO COST for the counselors or any of the services at Workforce Centers it is paid by taxes and grants. Please know that it is a process that one must go through with the Centers also and they may have to get information from you in which to determine eligibility so be a little patient as well.
You can also check out this website and it gives you a lot of information on the job from skills and education to a typical day. You can go to "Search Careers" and put in the career of your choice, https://www.mynextmove.org/
Here is another website you can go to as well to get further information as well. Under the "Occupational Search" section just put your career of choice, https://www.onetonline.org/
Brian’s Answer
Check with the Sam Houston National Forest https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/texas/about-forest/districts/?cid=fswdev3_008443