What are some exercises I can do to improve in football?
I've been playing football for 5 years and it's something I love doing, But i would love to improve on things i'm weak at. #sports #football #training #exercise #fitness-training
3 answers
Tom’s Answer
Tom recommends the following next steps:
Jenn’s Answer
Schedule a meeting to talk to your coach! Explain that you want to be the best player you can be and are interested in improving on your own, outside of practice. Ask for an honest breakdown of your strengths and weaknesses, and drills to help you improve as a player. (I suggest scheduling a meeting so your coach can think about this beforehand, and likely give you more detailed and useful feedback.)
Also remember that being a good teammate and a good person is critical to the success of the team. Do you cheer on your teammates when they make a big play? Do you encourage them when they mess up and are feeling down? Are you on time (or early) to practice? Do you give your best effort every day? If not, start working on those things right away - you don't need drills for those.
Similarly, how's your nutrition? Fueling your body better will help you perform at a higher level. Your coach or a school counselor might have advice on this.