2 answers
How much can teaching change in 10 years?
I think that teaching would be a fun profession, and I really hope that once I get to be a teacher, I can still be in the classroom changing lives. #help
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2 answers
Daniel’s Answer
I agree with Julian that teaching has changed dramatically in recent years, especially due to the pandemic, but that does not mean that you would not be impacting children's lives! We will all eventually be going back to classroom learning (hopefully soon), and it will definitely be possible for you to have an impact on students no matter what.
Julian’s Answer
Teaching can change a lot in 10 years! If you think about the last 10 years in the education field we have seen major change in the topics taught in the classroom and how it's delivered. Technology has definitely spurred our evolution in this area and will continue to impact how we educate our younger generation. 10 years ago many would not have imagined every child in class having a laptop or tablet to do their lessons, but it now has become a norm and children are becoming more advanced with technology at an early age. This will continue to evolve through different ways we access information and teach others. You'll have to vision Teachers delivering a lesson plan in one part of the world to another part of the world. Or encouraging their students to collaborate on a project virtually. It will be important that Teachers stay up to date with technology in order to be proficient in delivering education through new ways.