How to write a good resume?
Now i try to find internship #resume #job-application
6 answers
WADDAH’s Answer
10 Steps: How to Write a Resume
Key points that will serve as a compass as you go through each step of writing your resume.
Step 1: Find a Job for Your Resume
Learn why this step is important to writing a good resume. Don't make the mistake so many make by doing this step after they write their resumes.
Step 2: List of Keywords for Your Resume
Recruiters and employers search for keywords, so you need to put them in your resume if you want to be found.
Step 3: Choose a Resume Format
One size doesn't fit all when it comes to resume format. Learn which of these three resume formats will make your job search a success.
Chronological Resume Template
Functional Resume Template
Combination Resume Template
Step 4: Your Resume Heading
Believe it or not, there's a right way and a wrong way to do this easy step. Be sure you do it the right way!
Step 5: Your Resume Job Objective
Learn the pros and cons of having a job objective statement, how to write a good one, and some good options for not having one. For example, here's a Sample of a Professional Title on a Resume.
Step 6: Your Summary of Qualifications
If the employer reads only this part of your resume, does she get the very best of what you have to offer? Find out how to make your Summary shine!
Step 7: Your Work Experience
Know how to write your work history on your resume to make the best of it, even if you have tough problems. In this step, you'll learn:
How to Explain Unemployment on Your Resume
How to Overcome Age Discrimination With Dates on a Resume
Step 8: Your Resume Achievement Statements
Achievement statements tell the employer you're worth hiring, or at least interviewing for the job. Spend time on this part so you use your resume real estate wisely.
Step 9: Listing Education on Your Resume
Where to put your Education section, what to list in it, and how to deal with many college degrees or no degree at all.
Step 10: Community Service and Other Lists on Your Resume
Where and how to put all those lists of community service, skills, and other things that need a place of their own on your resume.
ritesh’s Answer
By avoiding following mistakes one can create Good Resume:
1. Career Objective:
Replace an objective statement with a professional appearing profile; something that summarises the best parts of your background and highlights you best. Set the correct tone/theme and use the rest of the resume as a proof.
2. Mailing Address:
You don’t have a place for this. You don’t need to put that and also as it might for security reasons, better do not mention.
3. Several Telephone Numbers:
Mention the number at which you can be consistently reached. If they want multiple ways to contact you, they would ask for it.
4. Grammatical error:
It might look like a small thing, but even the smallest error can be a turn off for a keen-eyed recruiter.
5. Too Many Bullets:
You might be over-bulleting, without knowing, so do not bullet everything. Use this tool to highlight the most important information in a good manner.
6. Irrelevant Education:
You don’t need to mention where you went to high school, which college you next got transferred, or your GPA. Mention what makes sense for the job you are applying for and exclude the rest.
7. Lengthy Resume:
Unless you need to mention a particular field, don’t make your resume appear bulky with unnecessary texts. Let your resume appear as a clean single page with crucial details and no extra words.
8. False Information:
Do not bend the truth unnecessarily. Never include mistruths or lies. You will definitely get caught and that won’t be good for you.
9. References:
Always provide references on request. If an employer wants them; they will mail you.
Fiona’s Answer
Daniela Silva
Daniela’s Answer
Hi Ena,
How long should my resume be?
There is no set length for a resume. A resume varies in length depending on your experience and education. If you haven't worked much before, one or two pages is best, but three pages is okay if you've got a lot of study and work behind you.
Make sure you don't pad out your resume. If your resume is only one page, as long as it's well-presented it might get better results than a two-page resume full of unnecessary information.
How should I order my resume?
Generally it's always good to present the information on your resume in this order:
Contact details
Opening statement
List of key skills
List of technical/software skills
Personal attributes/career overview
Educational qualifications
Employment history/volunteering/work placements
Not everything in this list must appear on your resume every time, and the order can change from application to application. For more information about each of these sections, check out "What Your Resume Should Include", below.
The most important thing is to get the most useful information across first. For example, if your education history is not specifically related to the job, put it toward the end of your resume, behind the information that is related to the job.
Check out the resume templates on our Sample resumes and cover letters page for examples of how you might want to order the information on your resume:
Good luck!