Q1: I know I want to be a scientist or researcher, but I just want to help people and find cures for diseases or help people in general, by figuring out to make them walk again or anything like that, but what career would that be?
Hi, my name is Miracle and I’m about to start college in the fall, but I’m not sure what to major in and I was hoping that having a scientist answer my questions then that might give me some insight on what to major in. I know these aren’t ideal questions, but I’ve always loved science and science fiction in general, and I want to be a scientist and , I just don’t know what scientist to be. I want my career to be fulfilling and have purpose and to see my work help people. Thank you for your time.
3 answers
Jason’s Answer
To echo what others have said, keep up that enthusiasm and best of luck.
Elizabeth’s Answer
Interns from CVS Health here. There are a lot of ways to help different people out, so our suggestion for you would be to narrow down what part of helping people speaks most to you. There are lots of different college majors that support this goal... there is premed, nursing, biomedical engineering, and many more. Start off by taking a biology class in college and see if you like it from there. Another tip for you is to see if you can shadow someone in a career you are interested in, this way you can get a flavor of what it is really like, and start to narrow down your career search. Here are some possible careers to explore; physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychology, clinical research, physician, surgeon.
Courtney’s Answer
First thing i would say is NEVER lose that enthusiasm to help others.
Second, always ask those who have done that before you, like you are here. The paths to the same goal can be very very different.
Then the obvious stuff: the sciences is where you need to be, but please do not forget the arts, etc. It will do you good to be well rounded as a person for whatever you choose.
For now, do as best you can with everything that is asked of you as you make your way through chemistry and biology and physics and math etc.