9 answers
Shifting courses
Hi! I'm a freshman in college and i'm thinking about shifting courses from Bachelor of science in business administration to Bachelor of science in medical technology by the end of our first sem. Is that okay? Will i go back to first year again if i do that?
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9 answers
Doc’s Answer
Kai before you take any kind of action about changing your college major, do some thinking about how you feel. Do you truly hate your major and want to change it - or are you just frustrated with a particular professor, assignment, exam or even an entire course? Consider your original reasoning for choosing your major. What has changed to make you feel differently. Either way, I recommend making an appointment with your advisor and seeking a second opinion. These are professionals whose job it is to be knowledgeable about their departments and help you determine whether or not a Medical Technology major is a good fit for you after all.
I hope this helpful Kai
I hope this helpful Kai
Anicho’s Answer
Hi Kai M,
Do you know that the two careers are quite important in life depending on what you have in mind now let's dive into it?
First and foremost, the two disciplines are widely different in career and outline of the study. The first is concerned wholly with business whilst the other is concerned with medical which is dealing with Humans so, for you to switch over is quite a good one because
1. You're just a fresher in school and as such, have not gone deep into the career so, you can always switch over but it requires you to start afresh because the two disciplines are not in any way related which entails you'll begin afresh to know the basis of medicals so long as you've considered it as your best choice of career.
Do you know that the two careers are quite important in life depending on what you have in mind now let's dive into it?
First and foremost, the two disciplines are widely different in career and outline of the study. The first is concerned wholly with business whilst the other is concerned with medical which is dealing with Humans so, for you to switch over is quite a good one because
1. You're just a fresher in school and as such, have not gone deep into the career so, you can always switch over but it requires you to start afresh because the two disciplines are not in any way related which entails you'll begin afresh to know the basis of medicals so long as you've considered it as your best choice of career.
Raisa Anan’s Answer
Hi Kai!
This is a huge decision, especially because you are thinking of shifting from Business to Medical Technology. I will strongly suggest that you have a clear and to-the-point communication about course shift with the appropriate authority at your college. This authority can be your assigned tutor, module convener, professor, the administer of your current course or even the Dean of the school. The purpose here is to have as much information as possible, so that whatever decision you end up making, it is informed, sound and beneficial. This way you are far less likely to make an erroneous decision that you might regret later in your college life.
Besides the abovementioned point, I would like to provide some steps that you can use to help organize your thought pattern for making your decision:
1) You should note down the advantages, disadvantages and ramifications of shifting.
2) Note down the requirements of such a shift. See if you already meet those - and if not, are you willing to meet those. In other words, are you willing and mentally ready to do some extra work that can result due to the course shift.
3) Also, compare the job/career opportunities with both the courses. For this, I suggest you talk with the Career advisor at your college or any alumni who has already graduated and is currently employed.
4) Understand why you are thinking of a course shift. A small personal story: I am extremely competitive in nature, hence whenever I see some student in another course getting more opportunities than me, I begin to covet that course. If you are anything like me, then realize it's an emotional and impulsive response and is not rational.
5) Think about the long-term. Question yourself whether you see yourself content doing Masters/job/internship in Medical Technology.
6) This is also incredibly important: note down whether a course shift will make any changes to your finances/financial aid/scholarship/tuition fees.
In the end, my predominant suggestion is that whatever decision you make, let it be highly informed. Hope that helps :)
This is a huge decision, especially because you are thinking of shifting from Business to Medical Technology. I will strongly suggest that you have a clear and to-the-point communication about course shift with the appropriate authority at your college. This authority can be your assigned tutor, module convener, professor, the administer of your current course or even the Dean of the school. The purpose here is to have as much information as possible, so that whatever decision you end up making, it is informed, sound and beneficial. This way you are far less likely to make an erroneous decision that you might regret later in your college life.
Besides the abovementioned point, I would like to provide some steps that you can use to help organize your thought pattern for making your decision:
1) You should note down the advantages, disadvantages and ramifications of shifting.
2) Note down the requirements of such a shift. See if you already meet those - and if not, are you willing to meet those. In other words, are you willing and mentally ready to do some extra work that can result due to the course shift.
3) Also, compare the job/career opportunities with both the courses. For this, I suggest you talk with the Career advisor at your college or any alumni who has already graduated and is currently employed.
4) Understand why you are thinking of a course shift. A small personal story: I am extremely competitive in nature, hence whenever I see some student in another course getting more opportunities than me, I begin to covet that course. If you are anything like me, then realize it's an emotional and impulsive response and is not rational.
5) Think about the long-term. Question yourself whether you see yourself content doing Masters/job/internship in Medical Technology.
6) This is also incredibly important: note down whether a course shift will make any changes to your finances/financial aid/scholarship/tuition fees.
In the end, my predominant suggestion is that whatever decision you make, let it be highly informed. Hope that helps :)
George’s Answer
It's okay in that you are still early in college, but you wont have as many elective classes you can take junior and senior year. Make sure you know what you want to do, then pull the trigger on your decision. Good luck!
Priya’s Answer
Hi Kai,
Are you currently taking basics? You have a lot of wiggle room in the first 2 years to switch around so I think you should be okay! I believe your classification would not change even if you do, your schedule of classes may just change. Talk with your academic advisor about the shift and what your timeline and schedule may look like! Good luck and great work considering your options!
Are you currently taking basics? You have a lot of wiggle room in the first 2 years to switch around so I think you should be okay! I believe your classification would not change even if you do, your schedule of classes may just change. Talk with your academic advisor about the shift and what your timeline and schedule may look like! Good luck and great work considering your options!
Anna’s Answer
Hi, College is a time for you to explore and make changes. If its truly something you are interested in, go for it!
Keith’s Answer
I think it is fine as long as you are sure this is something that you will stick to, but honestly that is hard to know at such a young age. I got my associates degree in Medical Technology and got my bachelors in Criminal Justice, honestly one of the best decisions of my life and has worked out for me in the end. I did have to take a couple of extra classes to get it accomplished but glad I did it!
Gloria’s Answer
Hi Kai,
College is usually designed to allow for changes in majors during the first two years, since you usually do basic courses that are foundations for all of the majors in a school. Where it might get tricky is the loss of time and money if you have taken a class that was only applicable to your first program rather than the second. I actually changed programs my junior year, which meant that I had wasted a lot of time and money. I think that the cost is worth it if you are truly going into a better program for your goals in life.
College is usually designed to allow for changes in majors during the first two years, since you usually do basic courses that are foundations for all of the majors in a school. Where it might get tricky is the loss of time and money if you have taken a class that was only applicable to your first program rather than the second. I actually changed programs my junior year, which meant that I had wasted a lot of time and money. I think that the cost is worth it if you are truly going into a better program for your goals in life.
Rebecca’s Answer
Thank you for your question. It is a big change from Business Administration to Medical Technology. You really have to consider carefully.
This question is really subject to your interest. What is the reason you chose Business Administration at the beginning and you would like to change to Medical Technology now? What triggers your change interest?
I suggest you can
1. Speak to the Professors and senior students on both Business Administration and Medical Technology to understand more on the subject and careers path
2. Would it be possible to take Business Administrator as major and medical technology as the minor or vice versa.
3. Seek advice from your mentor, career counsellor in the college, your parents, etc.
4. Check with the college administration office what you need to do if you would like to change the subject.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
This question is really subject to your interest. What is the reason you chose Business Administration at the beginning and you would like to change to Medical Technology now? What triggers your change interest?
I suggest you can
1. Speak to the Professors and senior students on both Business Administration and Medical Technology to understand more on the subject and careers path
2. Would it be possible to take Business Administrator as major and medical technology as the minor or vice versa.
3. Seek advice from your mentor, career counsellor in the college, your parents, etc.
4. Check with the college administration office what you need to do if you would like to change the subject.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!