Career questions tagged college-admissions
College admissions are the process of requesting approval to attend whichever college was applied to. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less

What types of events or activities does the college host regularly (e.g., concerts, clubs, speakers)?

Have I majorly screwed up my chances for college and (hopefully!) med school?
Greetings all! Currently, I am a sophomore in high school. Last year, I was a 3.5-3.8 GPA student while learning how to study and juggling extracurriculurs. Fast forward past many things in my personal life gone wrong to sophomore year, and now I am meeting with my school counselor and therapist on a monthly basis because I've been doing horribly. I have to retake AP Calculus AB, and my transcript will show this. But in the first place, my report card has never been good since this year started. My goal is to become a psychiatrist since I wish to offer help others who are fighting monsters in ways that others cannot see. I hope I can be the one to catch those hidden struggles that many miss-and I can provide relief, comfort and remedy through a listening ear. But I know premed reqs are extremely laborious and achieving a 3.7+ GPA is NOT easy-not to mention med school-and if I'm already struggling this early... I am afraid. Have I screwed up everything already?

What resources do you recommend for preparing for the SAT?
I will take the SAT soon, and just wondering how and where I can get resources to better prep me when I take the test.

How should I write my college application essay?
I'm currently a junior and I want to attend an Ivy League, but I don't know how to write my essays. People say to find something unique that only can happen to me, but I can't seem to find it. I applied and submitted my Questbridge Prep Scholars application, but I feel that my essay isn't good. I've seen those essays on social media and they all seem unique and heart touching.

Am I off to a good start for College Applications?
I'm 15, I published my own novel last August at 14 (2024). I'm in 9th Grade, and I have a 4.2 GPA (I'm at an early college high school), and I'm wondering if I'm off to a decent start for college applications. I'm in Girl Scouts, not a student athlete, and the only club I'm in is music club at school (I performed a solo in our Christmas performance). I'm not really trying to worry about it, but I'd like to get an idea of where I stand so far. I want to be a musician, actress, and an author, so I want to be sure I get into a college that fits me.

Which university should someone who wants to study Biology and then attend medical school choose?
I am a high school senior living in Virginia, and I aspire to become a doctor. I have received my college admissions results, and I have been accepted to the following schools: George Mason University James Madison University Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) University of Washington I have been accepted into the Biology program and plan to continue to medical school afterward. My long-term goal is to become a cardiac surgeon. I am currently undecided about which university to choose, and I would love to hear from those who have studied or are currently studying at these institutions. Based on my research, having a university-affiliated hospital can be a significant advantage for internships and work opportunities. However, I have also come across opinions that suggest it may not be as crucial. Additionally, some sources indicate that if a university has its own medical school, it might offer a small number of reserved spots for its pre-med students (provided they meet the necessary academic requirements). Considering this, James Madison, VCU, and the University of Washington have their own medical schools, whereas George Mason does not. In terms of cost, George Mason, James Madison, and VCU have similar tuition rates, and since they are all in Virginia, I would be closer to my family. However, attending the University of Washington would require me to relocate and pay higher tuition. I understand that choosing a university is a critical decision for both my career and networking opportunities. Therefore, I would greatly appreciate any insights or experiences from students who have attended these schools. Thank you in advance for your help!

Why should I take the SAT or ACT even if I don’t want to go to a private or ivy league college?
I want to go to a UC college but question if i should still take the SAT or ACT.

What extracurriculars/activities did you do that resulted you into getting into a well-known college & later law and/or med school?
I'm a high school junior interested in either going the political science route or pre-med route with a focus in neuroscience.

What can I do as a freshman in high school to help with one day becoming a pediatrician? And how does my GPA and SAT score need to look for me to qualify?
I am 14 and a student athletic trainer at my school, and im a member in HOSA.

College Compare and Contrast?
Can someone compare and contrast these colleges 1. University of Kansas 2. Kansas State University 3. Wichita State University I am planning on majoring in music with a piano pedagogy or performance emphasis, but I am also planning on taking private vocal lessons. Can you compare the professors in these fields? Also other things like tuition, scholarships, and stuff like that. If anyone has personally gone to any of these colleges and can give me a personal insight into the music professors that would be AMAZING!

What extracurriculars stand out for healthcare related majors?
I'm currently a junior in high school who wants to pursue nursing. Are there any activities such as clubs, hobbies, volunteer work, etc., that can help me stand out for college?

How do I write my college essay?
I'm currently a junior in high school who wants to start writing my essays for college applications early. But... I don't know where to start. How do I decide what to write about? Any general advice when writing college application essays?

How do I know which college/university is the right one for me ?
I am a junior and I am in the process of getting my college list done, but I am at a dead end where I don't know which one I specifically want to attend. All the schools are great with programs I'm interested but I'm just not sure how to decide. Any advice?

Which one is better, choosing a better college but its farther away or an average college that is closer.?
Just wanted to know if you got accepted into a prestigious university that might be out of state is a better option than a closer college

What types of out of school extracurricular activities should I do for a high school junior wanting to get into interior design?
After a college advisor meeting I was told I needed more activities that coincide with interior design, I already do band so that takes up most of my time and also prevents me from taking any art classes at my school due to schedule complications. What types of things can I do outside of school not including online courses that could help me build up for showing colleges my interest in interior design?

Best ECs for a finance degree?
In was just wondering if everyone could give me a FULL list of exactly what to do in high school to get into an IVY. I'm hoping to learn about all the international competitions that have huge weight and exactly what I should do in High School including clubs, sports, grades, etc.

Finance Competitions?
Does anyone have any good recommendations for a high school student wanting to get into finance(Hedge-fund managing). What kind of finance competitions could I take part in that would help me with college admissions into a big finance school?

Are Harvard Pre Program's actually worth it ?
Hello, I was looking to apply to the Harvard Undergraduate Ventures-TECH Summer Program and was just wondering how much it is worth when admissions officers look at it. Since it's quite expensive it'd be great to know if I should apply and could it make the turning decision for my college application. Thank You

Finance Program Credibility
Is (Fordham University: Finance Institute: Wall Street in the Classroom) a reputable pre-college program that could help me with college admissions? If it isn't could anyone help me with programs that are reputable and can help(preferably without too big of a price tag)

What is considered a good GPA in high school?
I am wondering what is still considered a ¨ good ¨ or a GPA that most colleges will accept.

How do I figure out a career and major?
I am a sophomore in high school, and I don’t have any idea what to do with my life. I feel like I have very bad extra circulars, but I don’t know what to do, especially since I have no idea what I want to do or major in. I don’t have any particular passion, however I would like to know ways to expose myself to different careers while also getting some good ECs through things like job shadowing or internships, but I don’t know how to do those or where I would start. If there are any suggestions on things I can do to help it would be very much appreciated. I do very well in school, being in multiple honors and APs and getting A’s in them. I’ve played softball both freshmen and sophomore year, but I am wanting to quit next year. I’ve been doing some research and found that if I do quit, I should replace it with important extracurriculars that go towards my major, but if I don’t know what my major is going to be, it still advised to do so? I would also like to add that I am not wanting to play softball in college. I think that my extracurriculars will be all over the place, which I know is not recommended, but I feel like that’s the only way to find something. I’m interested in. Do you have any advice on what to do to help with my career, and also just do well on college application? I know I want to go to college, preferably a university.

can you pursue mining engineering with A level maths,chemistry and computer science?
so i want to persue mining engineering but physics is a bit of a challenge for me so i settled for computer science instead

So i'm a freshman and I have multiple questions about colleges and stuff. I want to go to College at NCSU (North Carolina State University), but I have no way to pay. Is there any Scholorships or anything that could help? I live outside of NC so I'm not sure how to get in. ?
If anyone knows anything I need to, please ne free to share. I have to know everything before I graduate, as me and my parents are splitting up then.

What are my chances on getting into NYU Tandon/Engineering and Duke University?
I currently have a 3.8 weighted GPA. I have at the least 100 community service hours but maybe closer to 200. I would plan on majoring in mechanical engineering so I have many STEM extracurriculars. I have leadership positions and I'm active in my community. I'm a junior so I don't have to write my essay just yet but I think the idea I have for it is pretty good. By my senior year I will have 10-12 APs and 5-7 honors. I'll have 4 years plus AP Spanish credit and 2 years of Chinese. I have research hours and awards in competitions. Not sure if this matters but I plan on double minoring in Japanese and game design/development. I'm also not sure if NYU and Duke requires a portfolio if so it might be a little late but I could work on some thing summer.

How can I increase my extracurriculars in high school?
I am currently in my school's DECA club and will be aiming for a club position this year. However I feel like this is not enough to get me noticed by universities or colleges. I also played soccer last year for my school but I didn't place very well on the team either. I don't know what else I could be doing to better increase the extracurriculars that I already have.

Can someone chance my for the NYU Simon’s Summer Program? If so I have listed my ECs and my essay (in extra info box) down below! ECS: -Independent Endometriosis Research Exploring potential options for prediagnosis of Endometriosis -App Development Designing a user interface for an AI-powered women's health app. -Bright Futures Foundation Delivers handmaid letters to people in hospitals and homeless shelters, and offers free STEM classes to children. 100 letters collected. -LA Fires Fundraiser Collected over 250+ articles of clothing for the victims -Self Published Essay Author "75 Million Years: The Women's Health Crisis" on Medium Discussing the knowledge gap in women's health and its effects. -Writing a book about Women's Health and puberty for middle schoolers -EMT training at a local community college. -Volunteering at a Nursing Home (Sherwood Oaks) -Head of HR at Tutoring Startup Teaching Science and Math I approve lesson content, interview new hires, and match each student to a tutor. -HOBY Nomination attending June 2025 -SCIGIRLS (Science Club that builds Ruth Bader Ginsburg Machines using physics) -HOSA (Mostly just presentations from Health professionals) Academics -4.00 unweighted -4.4 weighted -it specifically asks for science/math classes HN Geometry HN pre calculus HN Algebra 2 HN Biology HN Chemistry HN Human Anatomy and Physiology (My school doesn’t offer any AP courses in math or science for sophomores)
Essay: Through my independent research on the possible diagnosis of endometriosis using tracer cells via academic papers, I have uncovered a passion for life sciences and using science to help women understand what is happening inside their bodies. My research has sparked an interest in biology, specifically using EMT/ VEGF cell levels in blood to pre-diagnose endometriosis, which motivates me to pursue healthcare. The NYU Simons Program will help me deepen my curiosity by allowing me to experience a science lab in a world-class facility. The Biology and Chemistry lectures/labs excite me the most. These courses would allow me to study and interact with the renowned Biological Science Staff at NYU and experience complex labs I would not be able to experience otherwise, as my community does not have many options for my interests. This program will help me expand my knowledge of the subjects and experience a complex lab, which will enhance my research skills, knowledge, and future career opportunities in health care. Beyond personal growth, this program will benefit my community by helping me develop outreach skills. Another part of this program that interests me is the social/cultural events I will experience, which I believe will help me develop my outreach skills and learn to understand people of different backgrounds. Most importantly I believe that understanding different people and where they come from will help me serve people in my future EMT job this fall. These skills will also help me impact women in my community and eventually all over the world through my app HERA. Although I am only designing the user interface right now, I hope to be able to secure funding and bring this affordable AI-powered women's health app to women everywhere. Meeting people with diverse backgrounds will allow me to adapt my app to serve everyone effectively. Outreach and diversity skills will also help me connect with more schools in my community to spread free STEM classes to as many underprivileged kids as possible. Since many science clubs at my school lack the necessary organization and understanding, the science classes will help me learn more about each subject and improve their effectiveness and participation in regional competitions.The NYU Simons Summer Program will grow my knowledge and social skills, helping me grow my projects and amplify my community impact.

Extracurricular ideas for forensic neuroscience?
I have interest in neurological disabilities in crime and how the law should protect those people. Can you give me extracurricular ideas? I'm a junior in high school.

I want to apply to the NYU Simon’s Summer program but I know it’s extremely selective with only a 5% acceptance rate and I’m worried I’m not good enough so could anyone read my stats? I have a 4.5 weighted gpa and a 4.0 unweighted I maxed out the rigor of my course work in both of of my years of high school (I’m a sophomore) and for extracurriculars I started a nonprofit that has received over 100+ letters that go to children in the area that face hardships, I also started an LA fundraiser that has collected over 200+ clothing articles in about two weeks, I have an essay that’s almost ready to be published about the unintentional disregard of women in the health care system and its affects on their lives, I also have a children’s book about women’s health that should be ready to self publish in the second week of February, I have a HOBY nomination for leadership, I take an EMT course and will be certified by June, I am a girls in the run junior coach( local nonprofit that helps young girls become more confident and assertive), I also work as an HR at a tutoring company, I also have a prototype of a women’s health app I am trying to develop, and to finish off I started reasearching possible early diagnosis of endometriosis through cell trackers found in menstrual blood. However I know that pretty much all of the kids submitting an application have done these things or something way better so I was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas on how to help me get admitted into the program?!
NYU Simon’s Summer Program -I also volunteer at a geriatric hospital - Do color guard, violin , piano

What are Ivy Leagues looking for in terms of grades/essays?
I am a 11th grader, currently 16 years old. I am interested in architecture and hope to go to Cornell. I recently opened an architecture club and I have around a 3.8 GPA. I have only taken 1 Honors and 1 AP class. For my senior year, I am planning on taking 2 college classes and 2 APs. What can I do to improve my profile? Should I focus on my leadership / community roles or more on my grades??

What are my chances on getting into Spelman and Clark Atlanta along with getting a presidential scholarship from each school?
I currently have a 3.8 weighted GPA and the school's average freshman GPA for Spelman is 3.9 and a 2.7 for Clark. I have at the least 100 community service hours but maybe closer to 200. I would plan on majoring in physics with a mechanical engineering dual degree so I have many STEM extracurriculars. I have leadership positions and I'm active in my community. I'm a junior so I don't have to write my essay just yet but I think the idea I have for it is pretty good. By my senior year I will have 10-12 APs and 5-7 honors. I'll have 4 years plus AP Spanish credit and 2 years of Chinese. I have research hours and awards in competitions. I'm pretty sure I could get in but I'm not to sure of my chances on getting good scholarships. Not sure if this matters but I would also double major in fashion and double minor in Japanese and game design/development.