1 answer
How do I start my life after graduation?
How do I get started after I graduate from high-school and what is the best way to go about things
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1 answer
Michelle’s Answer
Dear Kamryn
Congratulations on being almost done with school. The next adventure awaits. In our day and time there are a legion of opportunities that wait for you! I would say take time to reflect on what you really would like to do and know, that you can do anything you put your mind to. The mind is powerful and if your attitude is positive and you are willing to work hard, the sky is the limit.
Think about the following:
1) Do you want to pursue a career that requires a tertiary education? If yes, then start studying hard, apply to various universities and look for bursaries. If you are not ready for this, don't worry, you can take a gap year.
2) Should you want to take a gap year, think about what will add most value to you as a person. Volunteering builds character and helps you realise that even if you might not feel privileged right now, there are so many people out there with less resources, your presence could significantly improve their lives and you could in return gain a lot of experience and growth from volunteering in a remote and poor community.
3) If you say, these things are not for me, I want to get a job and work my way to the top, analyse what you are best at and identify the kind of jobs you would like to do and which would motivate you to go to work every day. Start "interning" of taking on a weekend job in these industries. Even if you have to do it for free whilst your parents are still caring for you, go for it because it will show experience on your CV when you start applying and that is often worth far more than a tertiary education. Don't get demotivated if you are not immediately selected for the job. You grew up in a generation where everything was instant for you. If you had a question, you googled it and the answer was in your hand, if you wanted to buy something, a cheap option to solve your problem by means of a product was probably available. The work market is competitive and it can take a long time, months to get a job. Keep persisting and growing your skills.
4) Use opensource resources to your advantage. Learn skills from linkedin and youtube - as much as you can but focus on a specific niche, it does not help to have lots of general skills but not be specialised in anything.
Lastly, don't worry about moving out from home immediately if your parents are still willing to house you. Enjoy the comfort of their house with respect and love, clean and contribute by paying rent (this will teach you the value of money) but keep building your skills so that you can get your own place and create your own life as soon as you are ready.
Best of luck, the adventure awaits!
Congratulations on being almost done with school. The next adventure awaits. In our day and time there are a legion of opportunities that wait for you! I would say take time to reflect on what you really would like to do and know, that you can do anything you put your mind to. The mind is powerful and if your attitude is positive and you are willing to work hard, the sky is the limit.
Think about the following:
1) Do you want to pursue a career that requires a tertiary education? If yes, then start studying hard, apply to various universities and look for bursaries. If you are not ready for this, don't worry, you can take a gap year.
2) Should you want to take a gap year, think about what will add most value to you as a person. Volunteering builds character and helps you realise that even if you might not feel privileged right now, there are so many people out there with less resources, your presence could significantly improve their lives and you could in return gain a lot of experience and growth from volunteering in a remote and poor community.
3) If you say, these things are not for me, I want to get a job and work my way to the top, analyse what you are best at and identify the kind of jobs you would like to do and which would motivate you to go to work every day. Start "interning" of taking on a weekend job in these industries. Even if you have to do it for free whilst your parents are still caring for you, go for it because it will show experience on your CV when you start applying and that is often worth far more than a tertiary education. Don't get demotivated if you are not immediately selected for the job. You grew up in a generation where everything was instant for you. If you had a question, you googled it and the answer was in your hand, if you wanted to buy something, a cheap option to solve your problem by means of a product was probably available. The work market is competitive and it can take a long time, months to get a job. Keep persisting and growing your skills.
4) Use opensource resources to your advantage. Learn skills from linkedin and youtube - as much as you can but focus on a specific niche, it does not help to have lots of general skills but not be specialised in anything.
Lastly, don't worry about moving out from home immediately if your parents are still willing to house you. Enjoy the comfort of their house with respect and love, clean and contribute by paying rent (this will teach you the value of money) but keep building your skills so that you can get your own place and create your own life as soon as you are ready.
Best of luck, the adventure awaits!