2 answers
What would be the hardest part of your job and why?
Why is that part hard for you?
do you have enough money to have extra to spend on fun things?
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2 answers
julie’s Answer
Hardest part of my job is enjoying it. I wish I could figure out what it is that I really like to do and make a living out of it. Time management is also a difficult task. If you can manage your time, it will help you greatly in life. I make a very decent living, but I feel like I could be better utilized doing something else. What that is, I still haven't figured it out.
Orain’s Answer
Hello Andrew,
I hope all is well with you.
Per your questions:
1. The hardest part of my job (sometimes) is having work life balance. As in audit we have busy season closer to the client 10Q and 10K filing date
2. It is hard especially because those are block out periods and therefore you cannot take vacation etc during that time. It is also hard since we have to commit over time to work during that time.
3. Yes, audit especially in advisory pays well so you are able to do fun things outside of work with extra cash.
Please reach out if you have any additionally questions.
I hope this helps
I hope all is well with you.
Per your questions:
1. The hardest part of my job (sometimes) is having work life balance. As in audit we have busy season closer to the client 10Q and 10K filing date
2. It is hard especially because those are block out periods and therefore you cannot take vacation etc during that time. It is also hard since we have to commit over time to work during that time.
3. Yes, audit especially in advisory pays well so you are able to do fun things outside of work with extra cash.
Please reach out if you have any additionally questions.
I hope this helps
Thank you for the advice.