2 answers
Any tips for beginner fashion designers and where to start?
Any tips for beginner fashion designers and where to start?
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2 answers
Karen’s Answer
The best place to start being a fashion designer is to just start designing. While you’re looking for jobs, you can be putting together mini-collections or specific pieces that meet the requirements of the brands you’re interested in applying to. All of this can go into your portfolio, and build your body of work.
You can also work with volunteer organizations in order to get some experience in the field.
Begin to curate and fill in gaps in your online portfolio
Take tests/classes online (like earning a skill badge on LinkedIn) in relevant software order to communicate your competence.
Look for local volunteer opportunities, Especially in positions where you can mentor youth, or others newer to the industry than you are.
Reach out and propose internship collaborations with local designers. Be open to working with designers who are not your own personal style or aesthetic. It’s likely as a freelancer that you will be doing some work in areas adjacent to your personal interest.
Participate in contests! Some software companies (Style3D comes to mind) offer a free trial of software in order to participate in a competition with cash prizes and opportunities to build community/networks.
You can also work with volunteer organizations in order to get some experience in the field.
Karen recommends the following next steps:
Maggie’s Answer
Hi Tamari, to get started in the Fashion Industry you need to just START somewhere. Start with what you already have. Start styling different outfits for yourself and for others. If you're feeling more creative, start revamping and cutting up your old clothes and turning them into new items and designs. A great way to start making designs is to take clothes you already have and lay them down onto some fabric or older clothes and cut around them to make a new pattern to create something new. This is a great way to practice your cutting skills, understanding how to sew the clothes back together, and it will help you save money on buying new fabric that you may not be comfortable cutting on as a new designer. You can also watch tutorials on Youtube, Tik Tok, and look up some sewing websites online that you can subscribe to for a small fee.