What entry-level jobs will lead well into a social science research career?
What entry-level jobs will lead well into social science research jobs? I am finishing up my Bachelor's degree in Sociology and want to know what possible careers I could pursue to do a lot of good in the world. I always say I want to do research to influence public policy but I don't know what that would actually look like or if it would be effective. Eventually, I want to do things that will help leaders make positive changes in society.
2 answers
farhat’s Answer
Jazhel’s Answer
I actually graduated with a sociology degree and my undergrad led me to education. I now work in higher ed and quite satisfied with the contribution that I make. If you want to do research, pursue a prominent area that really needs attention. You want people to notice your research findings and have an impact. Additionally, if you collaborate or work with other researchers, you will have different ideas to make it expansive. I also think it makes the experience less isolating.
Good luck. Society needs more people like you.