I have a strong interest in majoring in marketing and minoring in graphic design? If you minor in a field, around how many courses do you need to take to successfully minor in the certain field?
#marketing #graphic-design #minor #college-major
4 answers
Cuong’s Answer
If you plan on minoring in graphic design, be sure to learn the basic. Typography, color theory, balance, communication, and hierarchy. Learning the basic principles of graphic design will help understand how designers work and how you can produce your own designs when you're marketing your brand.
As the courses, it varies with schools in each state. For example, in San Francisco State University, you need about 18 courses for the major of visual design, where in minoring could be 12-15 courses.
Scott’s Answer
Ron’s Answer
Every perfect gift is from above; God gives us certain talents and gifts. Follow the path that you feel most gifted in and work will be much more enjoyable and fulfilling. " Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
Alwyn’s Answer
As you want to follow two paths of study, you need to find a school with good if not great design and marketing programs. Be up to the demands of studying two different subjects - it could be taxing.